What happened behind the sene?




My question is about assembly binding. Here is the senario:
I coded a sample web service application which consumes a dll named abc.dll.
I used codebase in the web.config file to indicate the location of abc.dll. I
deploy web service application on machine1, and abc.dll on machine2(machine1
and machine2 are in same domain). The web service works perfectly. But I
don't know what exactly happened behind the sene. Where does the abc.dll run?
How does the web service communicate with abc.dll?
Could anyone tell me?



Michael Nemtsev [MVP]

Hello william,

use fuslogvw.exe tool (from Microsoft SDK) to understand how your assembly
is resolved

Michael Nemtsev [.NET/C# MVP] :: blog: http://spaces.live.com/laflour

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c) Michelangelo

w> Hi,
w> My question is about assembly binding. Here is the senario:
w> I coded a sample web service application which consumes a dll named
w> abc.dll.
w> I used codebase in the web.config file to indicate the location of
w> abc.dll. I
w> deploy web service application on machine1, and abc.dll on
w> machine2(machine1
w> and machine2 are in same domain). The web service works perfectly.
w> But I
w> don't know what exactly happened behind the sene. Where does the
w> abc.dll run?
w> How does the web service communicate with abc.dll?
w> Could anyone tell me?
w> Thanks.
w> William

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