I've been playing around a bit with Vista B2. Got 'er up and going on a P4
laptop with little pain, but then out of curiosity tried to see how well
she'd behave on an older dual-P3. She wouldn't even load on the dual-P3;
whined and blue-screened about the BIOS not being fully ACPI compliant.
I flashed the last BIOS (AmiBIOS) version made available for the m/b years
ago. The specs say that it is ACPI compliant, but I suspect that its an
old ACPI version that doesn't work with new OS's. (Win2000 and WinXP also
whined about the ACPI, where-as Win98/WinNT used to work just fine.)
I tried both F5 and F7 during the Vista installation attempt at "Press F6 to
load third-party SCSI/Raid drivers" (or whatever it was, I don't remember
verbatim off-hand) to see if that trick was still in effect, but apparantly
it doesn't have any HAL's other than ACPI. (Googled later and confirmed
Q: Is Vista going to support a MPS Multiprocessor HAL when it hits the
retail shelves?
This is more of a curiosity than anything else, as I wouldn't really want to
run it on the dual-P3. (Its running FreeBSD.) Just wondering if Vista is
going to neglect a lot of older computers by only supporting an ACPI HAL.
Why, one may ask, would anyone even want to run Vista on a P3? Well, why
not if you can? Sure, you will have to scale all the eye-candy back, but
P3's are still perfectly fine for routine light use (Web/email/word
processing/etc) under Win2K and WinXP -- so why not under Vista as well?
I've been playing around a bit with Vista B2. Got 'er up and going on a P4
laptop with little pain, but then out of curiosity tried to see how well
she'd behave on an older dual-P3. She wouldn't even load on the dual-P3;
whined and blue-screened about the BIOS not being fully ACPI compliant.
I flashed the last BIOS (AmiBIOS) version made available for the m/b years
ago. The specs say that it is ACPI compliant, but I suspect that its an
old ACPI version that doesn't work with new OS's. (Win2000 and WinXP also
whined about the ACPI, where-as Win98/WinNT used to work just fine.)
I tried both F5 and F7 during the Vista installation attempt at "Press F6 to
load third-party SCSI/Raid drivers" (or whatever it was, I don't remember
verbatim off-hand) to see if that trick was still in effect, but apparantly
it doesn't have any HAL's other than ACPI. (Googled later and confirmed
Q: Is Vista going to support a MPS Multiprocessor HAL when it hits the
retail shelves?
This is more of a curiosity than anything else, as I wouldn't really want to
run it on the dual-P3. (Its running FreeBSD.) Just wondering if Vista is
going to neglect a lot of older computers by only supporting an ACPI HAL.
Why, one may ask, would anyone even want to run Vista on a P3? Well, why
not if you can? Sure, you will have to scale all the eye-candy back, but
P3's are still perfectly fine for routine light use (Web/email/word
processing/etc) under Win2K and WinXP -- so why not under Vista as well?