As far as I can see the FAQs page was invented by
Microsoft for the release of the beta to the public. I
appreciate you have to start somewhere with anticipated
questions. Why they did not anticipate people asking about
cookie screening not working shows a distinct lack of
competence. Not subsequently doing anything to redress it
shows a distinct lack of concern. So many companies lack
the care in the little things that matter. Take care,
many a monarch, who thought they could do as they pleased
with concern for their subjects has lost their throne and
sometimes head by such attitude.
Microsoft for the release of the beta to the public. I
appreciate you have to start somewhere with anticipated
questions. Why they did not anticipate people asking about
cookie screening not working shows a distinct lack of
competence. Not subsequently doing anything to redress it
shows a distinct lack of concern. So many companies lack
the care in the little things that matter. Take care,
many a monarch, who thought they could do as they pleased
with concern for their subjects has lost their throne and
sometimes head by such attitude.