What event would you use to refresh a listbox after an update?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gurtz
  • Start date Start date


If you are talking about the user entering some data in a
text box or other control, then in the control's
AfterUpdate event, you could call the listbox's requery

If you are talking about the user entering data in many
fields of a form, then the only way you will know that
s/he is done entering data is if they enter it
sequentially (then you could use the AfterUpdate event of
the last control) or if they hit a button to submit/save
the data or to move to the next record. In the latter
case, throw the requery call in the button's click event.

I don't know if that quite answer's your question. If not,
reply back and be a little more specific about your

[email = no $]
Thanks all, I figured it out.


Gurtz said:
If you are talking about the user entering some data in a
text box or other control, then in the control's
AfterUpdate event, you could call the listbox's requery

If you are talking about the user entering data in many
fields of a form, then the only way you will know that
s/he is done entering data is if they enter it
sequentially (then you could use the AfterUpdate event of
the last control) or if they hit a button to submit/save
the data or to move to the next record. In the latter
case, throw the requery call in the button's click event.

I don't know if that quite answer's your question. If not,
reply back and be a little more specific about your

[email = no $]

-----Original Message-----
Hi all. What event should I use to fire the code Me.Listbox.Requery after
my user has updated a row from a form?


