I have a desktop PC which is on Broadband connected to a USB modem.
I also have a laptop and another desktop in the next room. I want to
network the three PC's together to share the broadband connection (not
bothered particullary about file sharing).
I just want to network them with cables (not wireless) because they
are close together and I must keep the cost as low as possible. I also
if possible don't want to have to leave the main PC on when I want to
go on the net with either of the other two.
I would appreciate some advise if this is possible and a list of what
gear I need to do the job. I am baffled by modems/routers/wan/lan etc
Many thanks
I have a desktop PC which is on Broadband connected to a USB modem.
I also have a laptop and another desktop in the next room. I want to
network the three PC's together to share the broadband connection (not
bothered particullary about file sharing).
I just want to network them with cables (not wireless) because they
are close together and I must keep the cost as low as possible. I also
if possible don't want to have to leave the main PC on when I want to
go on the net with either of the other two.
I would appreciate some advise if this is possible and a list of what
gear I need to do the job. I am baffled by modems/routers/wan/lan etc
Many thanks