Peter B
I have an application that crashed, when performing a simple operation that
usually don't crash. What I usually need to do is to run a method that calls
CreateProcess in OpenNETCF.org WinAPI, which just is a wrapper to the native
CreateProcess method. The CreateProcess starts the peghelp.exe application
given a parameter to a help-file. It seemt that it is when this help-file
couldn't be found that the problem occurs, atleast this is the impression I
have... The problem is that it doesn't have to be instantly, the exceptions
are thrown sporadically (common with objectdisposed exception? ).
I have provided 2 call stacks from my exceptions belowand in both examples
below I am doing something completely different than calling the help
method, and in the second example I am not even working in the form where
the exception is thrown.
Crash information 1:
On the virge of going from one form (login) to another the application crash
with the following information:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException' occurred in
Call stack:
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.MISC.HandleAr(AGL.PAL_ERROR ar =
InvalidHandle) + 0x55 bytes
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox._NativeClear() +
0x2f bytes
rInternal() + 0xb bytes
r() + 0x11 bytes
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.Login() Line 725 C#
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.lblLogin_Click(System.Object sender =
{SIBSQLCE.Controls.LoginControl}, System.EventArgs e = {System.EventArgs})
Line 812 C#
gs e = {System.EventArgs}) + 0x15 bytes
e = {System.EventArgs}) Line 138 C#
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc(int hwnThis =
3276877, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_LMOUSEUP, int wParam = 43, int lParam = 11) +
0x22f bytes
hwnThis = 3276877, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_LMOUSEUP, int wParam = 43, int lParam
= 11) + 0xb bytes
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.EVL.EnterMainLoop(int hwnMain = 3211277)
..Forms.Form fm = {SIBSQLCE.LoginForm}) + 0x1a bytes
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.Main() Line 133 + 0xa bytes C#
Crash information 2.
Here I wasn't even working in the form where the exception occured. The form
TreeViewForm seems to be updating some objects after an TreeView.AfterSelect
event. This is odd, how could I select a treenode when I'm not working the
form??? I have however been in the treeviewform earlier, but went back to
loginform. I wonder if the call stack missed a bunch of operations here....
Not sure the treeview information is of interest actually..
Call stack:
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.MISC.HandleAr(AGL.PAL_ERROR ar =
value = "Stolpar: 0st")
sender = {System.Windows.Forms.TreeView},
System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e =
{System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs}) Line 2092 C#
Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e =
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WnProc(int hwnThis
= 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_TREEVIEW_SELCHANGED, int wParam = 0, int
lParam = 1311105)
hwnThis = 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_TREEVIEW_SELCHANGED, int wParam = 0,
int lParam = 1311105)
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.CTL.TreeNodeRemove(int htviRemove = 2359565)
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WnProc(int hwnThis
= 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_DESTROY, int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0)
hwnThis = 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_DESTROY, int wParam = 0, int lParam =
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.EVL.EnterMainLoop(int hwnMain = 3211277)
..Forms.Form fm = {SIBSQLCE.LoginForm})
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.Main() Line 133 C#
If someone could explain the last (top) row I would be greatful!
I have searched the web for information on AGL.PAL_ERROR without success.
I even have a try-catch statement around Application.Run but the exception
still isn't caught. Is it possible to get a more comprehensive callstack
than found in the VS IDE? Can I add verbose output?
I have an application that crashed, when performing a simple operation that
usually don't crash. What I usually need to do is to run a method that calls
CreateProcess in OpenNETCF.org WinAPI, which just is a wrapper to the native
CreateProcess method. The CreateProcess starts the peghelp.exe application
given a parameter to a help-file. It seemt that it is when this help-file
couldn't be found that the problem occurs, atleast this is the impression I
have... The problem is that it doesn't have to be instantly, the exceptions
are thrown sporadically (common with objectdisposed exception? ).
I have provided 2 call stacks from my exceptions belowand in both examples
below I am doing something completely different than calling the help
method, and in the second example I am not even working in the form where
the exception is thrown.
Crash information 1:
On the virge of going from one form (login) to another the application crash
with the following information:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException' occurred in
Call stack:
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.MISC.HandleAr(AGL.PAL_ERROR ar =
InvalidHandle) + 0x55 bytes
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox._NativeClear() +
0x2f bytes
rInternal() + 0xb bytes
r() + 0x11 bytes
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.TreeViewForm.Init() Line 602 C#SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.TreeViewForm.InitCmbBoxProg() Line 621 C#
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.Login() Line 725 C#
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.lblLogin_Click(System.Object sender =
{SIBSQLCE.Controls.LoginControl}, System.EventArgs e = {System.EventArgs})
Line 812 C#
gs e = {System.EventArgs}) + 0x15 bytes
e = {System.EventArgs}) Line 138 C#
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc(int hwnThis =
3276877, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_LMOUSEUP, int wParam = 43, int lParam = 11) +
0x22f bytes
hwnThis = 3276877, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_LMOUSEUP, int wParam = 43, int lParam
= 11) + 0xb bytes
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.EVL.EnterMainLoop(int hwnMain = 3211277)
..Forms.Form fm = {SIBSQLCE.LoginForm}) + 0x1a bytes
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.Main() Line 133 + 0xa bytes C#
Crash information 2.
Here I wasn't even working in the form where the exception occured. The form
TreeViewForm seems to be updating some objects after an TreeView.AfterSelect
event. This is odd, how could I select a treenode when I'm not working the
form??? I have however been in the treeviewform earlier, but went back to
loginform. I wonder if the call stack missed a bunch of operations here....
Not sure the treeview information is of interest actually..
Call stack:
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.MISC.HandleAr(AGL.PAL_ERROR ar =
value = "Stolpar: 0st")
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.TreeViewForm.treeView1_AfterSelect(System.ObjectSIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.TreeViewForm.UpdateNumObjTexts() Line 1083 C#
sender = {System.Windows.Forms.TreeView},
System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e =
{System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs}) Line 2092 C#
Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e =
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WnProc(int hwnThis
= 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_TREEVIEW_SELCHANGED, int wParam = 0, int
lParam = 1311105)
hwnThis = 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_TREEVIEW_SELCHANGED, int wParam = 0,
int lParam = 1311105)
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.CTL.TreeNodeRemove(int htviRemove = 2359565)
System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WnProc(int hwnThis
= 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_DESTROY, int wParam = 0, int lParam = 0)
hwnThis = 1245409, AGL.Form.WM wm = WM_DESTROY, int wParam = 0, int lParam =
System.Windows.Forms.dll!AGL.EVL.EnterMainLoop(int hwnMain = 3211277)
..Forms.Form fm = {SIBSQLCE.LoginForm})
SIBSQLCE.exe!SIBSQLCE.LoginForm.Main() Line 133 C#
If someone could explain the last (top) row I would be greatful!
I have searched the web for information on AGL.PAL_ERROR without success.
I even have a try-catch statement around Application.Run but the exception
still isn't caught. Is it possible to get a more comprehensive callstack
than found in the VS IDE? Can I add verbose output?