What does this error mean?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kate
  • Start date Start date


I get the message Microsoft Access can't append all the
records in the append query.

Microsoft Access set 1 field to Null due to a type
conversion failure, didn't add 0 records to the table due
to key violations, 0 records due to lock violations and 0
records due to validation rule violations
Do you want to run the action query anyway etc.

What does this mean? Is there just one error, i.e. the
conversion failure so it adds my records?

What might cause the conversion error? My table is keyed
on an AutoNumber field, 2 of the fields conatin checkboxes
from a form and one conatins a date assigned using date()

Thanks in advance
The error means that all your records were imported successfully except one.
You should be able to find out which one that was by looking for a table
that has a name such as "Paste Errors" that Access creates for you.

The "type conversion failure" means that there was something in the data
that did not match the Field Type that Access expected. For example, if
Access made a Number field, and the source contained "---" or "nil" or some
non-numeric value, Access would not be able to import that value. Likewise,
if the source was a date field, and one record had an invalid date (such as
02/29/2005, or just 02/2005), Access would not be able to import the date.

It is also possible that Access chose the wrong data type for the column,
e.g. it thought it was a Number, when it should have been Text. It just
looks at the first few lines at the top of the file to figure out what data
type is appropriate for each field, so the problem one is usually a bit
further down the file, past where it checked.