What does the error code 28 means and what can I do to stop it?

Mar 12, 2012
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It was just recently I started getting an error on my computer which says error code 28. Those are not the exact words of the error. Specifically, this error was
"The driver for this device is not installed. Code 28".
After receiving that error, my DVD-R has not worked since. I am sure that I'm not the one at fault here. Anyways, I just need some help. Is anyone able to assist me?
If it were on my system, I'd be looking to replace the DVD drive ... DVD drives do not have 'drivers' per-say, so a faulty drive could produce this error.

check out this video

good luck! :)
If it were on my system, I'd be looking to replace the DVD drive ... DVD drives do not have 'drivers' per-say, so a faulty drive could produce this error.

check out this video

good luck! :)

Hello, I did check out your video here [
] but it didn't help me. Further research actually shed some light on the error itself - Code 28 -
I actually did a search and found information from this site http://errortools.com/drivers/how-to-fix-the-error-code-28/ and Yahoo answers @ https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131010092947AAzlAoT actually did the solving since the problem there somewhat parallels mine.

Yup. Thanks a lot (man who lives in a hovel :o) :dance:
Take care