What does Process.ProcessName exactly do?

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What exactly does property ProcessName on System.Diagnostics.Process object
do? Especially regarding to performance counters? Which performance counters
it updates? What if application references libraries which support
performance counters but are not loaded into process?


Just wondering, but why are you adding "PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO RATE THE
ANSWER" to your signature? Are you posting from a Web based forum? Just
curious... ;-)
I've already read theese articles. I just got from them the fact that
performance counters are handled from Process.ProcessName property. But I
still want to know which performance counters. And, of course, how it handles
the loading of libraries on which it wants perform performance counters


Currently I am researching the issue and we will reply here with more
information as soon as possible.
If you have any more concerns on it, please feel free to post here.

Thanks for your understanding!

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Hi EXavier,

The call enumerates all registered perf counters on the system. They are
loaded into the calling process. Each perf dll's open method is polled.
The collect on each counter is polled for what objects it supports. Then
the process counter dll is queried for running processes.

The perf counters are not 'updated' They are simply opened and queried.
Also, if a perf counter is registered properly on the system it is loaded
and queried.

Any malfunctioning counter or any counter that cannot work in the security
context of the host process may exibit problems.

This architecture has changed for Framework 2.0. 2.0 does not rely on perf
counters for this method.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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