What does %os% echo as in Vista

  • Thread starter Thread starter Grok
  • Start date Start date
Steve Drake wrote:
| Yep
| Windows_NT
| I would expect this, its still built on the nt kernal
| Steve
| || What is the result of
|| echo %os%
|| in Vista? Is it:
|| Windows_NT
|| ?? Thanks.
|| ---
|| Grok

Thanks Steve. I'm not running Vista right now .. and I was sitting here
reading up on batch files. It occured to me that if Vista didn't register as
Windows_NT that a lot of batch files were going to be broken!

I'm a bit confused about batch files and scripting & Vista as yet. I've been
reading about this new Microsoft Command Shell (MSH) and was wondering about
cmd and so on.
You don't need vista for MSH, i been MSHing for about 1 year (not much over
1 year, but that's how long I've had it installed)

MSH is a new shell, its not like your norm shell with stdin and stdout being
strings, its all object based.

it comes with the windows SDK rumor has it that it will ship with the next
exchange, not sure if it will ship with vista, maybe longhorn.
