Steve Behman
Every hard disk has "spare sectors" built in by the manufacturer. These
sectors do not appear in the LBA address space for the disk drive -- they are
reassigned to "bad sectors" and assume the bad sector's LBA when addressed by
the operating system.
My question is:
Does ckkdsk /R cause the hardware reassignment to a "good" hardware spare
sector that will, after the reassignment, be seen as the old LBA or does the
operating system assign the sector to a different LBA (unknown to the
If the hardware reassigns the LBA to a different physical sector then the
hard disk is usable for installing a new operating system. If the sector is
not reassigned a new installation will encounter the same bad sector in the
fullness of time.
I would really appreciate guidance on this issue.
sectors do not appear in the LBA address space for the disk drive -- they are
reassigned to "bad sectors" and assume the bad sector's LBA when addressed by
the operating system.
My question is:
Does ckkdsk /R cause the hardware reassignment to a "good" hardware spare
sector that will, after the reassignment, be seen as the old LBA or does the
operating system assign the sector to a different LBA (unknown to the
If the hardware reassigns the LBA to a different physical sector then the
hard disk is usable for installing a new operating system. If the sector is
not reassigned a new installation will encounter the same bad sector in the
fullness of time.
I would really appreciate guidance on this issue.