Can anyone inform me if ISPs monitor and log every user's online activity -
websites visited, email sent and received, newsgroup messages posted or
read, and any other online transaction including purchases?
Also, do web-servers or news-servers maintain user activity logs?
This is purely to settle a point of discussion which cropped up talking
about online databases and other storage space. One got to wondering where
all the massive capacity surely needed to maintain such logs comes from.
Again, how are web-mail companies as Google or Yahoo or Hotmail able to give
out free 100 or 200 or 2000 MB mail storage space to uncounted millions of
Thanks in anticipation.
Can anyone inform me if ISPs monitor and log every user's online activity -
websites visited, email sent and received, newsgroup messages posted or
read, and any other online transaction including purchases?
Also, do web-servers or news-servers maintain user activity logs?
This is purely to settle a point of discussion which cropped up talking
about online databases and other storage space. One got to wondering where
all the massive capacity surely needed to maintain such logs comes from.
Again, how are web-mail companies as Google or Yahoo or Hotmail able to give
out free 100 or 200 or 2000 MB mail storage space to uncounted millions of
Thanks in anticipation.