maki_speedy said:
This hardware is for Visual Studio, Internet, web design.
This might be sketchy, but here goes.
Sounds like you don't need much of a video card. Maybe anything that
supports two monitors. Two monitors are great, and recommended for
programming work. I use Visual C++ for my macro recorder hobby.
Apparently I can't use the debugger so I use DebugView. I do like
having that in the secondary monitor, along with performance
monitoring (I miss the Windows 9x System Monitor ultra-small
window), instant messaging, and other stuff.
I guess Visual Studio is heaviest on the CPU. Your selection of dual
core is IMO probably a very good idea (from the little I've gathered
so far), fast as possible. I think most programming is not memory
bandwidth intensive but I'm not sure. I would use 1 GB memory
modules if the price is less than 10 to 15% more than two 512 MB
modules. Ending up with 2 GB is okay IMO but you might want to leave
one slot open even with that. Just depends on how long you're going
to have the system. I think even Windows XP can handle 3 GB of RAM.
Good luck.