From: "Chad Harris" <
[email protected]>
Subject: Re: What do you think of Scenario Voting? It's as effective as
yelling at your TV--.
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:01 AM
Aseem --
It's worthless and shows complete contempt for the public. MSFT thinks the
public is emininetly stupid and can be manipulated.
Why is MSFT hiding public access to bugs or differrentiating it one
scintilla from that of the TBT? Why in the world on any of the Vista sites
aren't all the Vista Beta chat transcripts posted? What's the secret? Is
MSFT on the Redmond campus promoting ignorance instead of education on the
features and development of Vista? One would think there is no downside to
posting every one of those chats and Live meetings on the site in a listing right behind that blond
girl's hair on the left.
..MSFT's disingenuous posturing that they want public feedback is a complete
sham. Any feint or head fake at public input into Vista is a very
superficial joke. Why should SV or Feature Focus for TBTs be a nanomolecule
different than for the public if in fact MSFT wanted feedback other than
their money from the public?
MSFT has complete contempt for the public, and the way they have comported
themselves with Vista's march to RTM is compelling evidence. MSFT used
Ralph Reed as their lobbyist and paid him $27,000 per month to do so. When
there was public protest, at first MSFT defended this until Ballmer could
finally smell and see the stench and he shift+deleted the Ralph Reed
K-street-esque account. Not even the PR honeys at Wagner Edstrom and McCann
Ericson Worldwide could spin that eggregious choice.
Other than the financial promotion aspect, MSFT couldn't give two shits
about the "CPP or the so-called CPP testers." That's why they have all
those pious blogs with nebulous, specious bullshit about their concern but
have never showcased a stepwise mechanism for the submission of bugs, the
metabolism of them, and the public beta.
It's simply ludirous to think this company gives a damn about feedback
from the public. The only feedback they look at is the sales numbers.
They're going to be down because of the product. When RTM time comes
around, they'll slap RTM on that sucker, have a series ofparties, get the
choppers and the media out with great fanfare whether
they've fixed major bugs or not.
One symptom that public bug reporting doesn't mean jack shit is that there
is a public MBC (bug reporting tool) and the thing is buried deep within the
forums of MSDN blogs. However, unlike the setup for TBT Beta Testers as
opposed to unwashed CPPs (that Redmond couldn't give two shits about other
than cheerlead you with advertising on their sites and bombard you with
emails to buy their product in droves) --there is no organized mechanism
whatsoever to get feedback or have any interaction with MSFT unles you want
to consider a Technet Live Meeting interaction where there is often no time
for questions or time for one question.
There is no newsgroup where you're gonna see those people to follow up,
and in the Beta there is often this bullshit "see you in the groups" when
they have no intention whatsoever of seeing or talking to you anywhere.
*They want to see your money so they can get more toys.* It's plain old
Redmond capitalism. "Show them your money" as Cuba Gooding said in the
It is well documented on this group that people have tried to get
information on their bugs on Connect and access is blocked. They have tried
to context bugs to get an overall idea of Vista's progress and access is
blocked. We actually had an MVP here offer to take a bug number and try to
access it on Connect with his TBT status. That reduces an adult to asking
another adult to get access to a cyber VIP room for information when the
public is being asked to support this Operating system and buy it.
That's not "Clear, Confident, and Connected." That's "Non-transparent,
Muddled, Tentative, Non-Intuitie, and totally Disconnected.
I have a hint for you. If you begin reading The New York Times-- a good
part of it at this point in your career embarking onto college, you'll be
much better off
Who is Ralph Reed Asheem asks? Glad to be your google valet for this one.
If that's not contempt for the public and a firm belief that the public is
illiterate, I don't know what is. Ralph Reed is prime scum. He ripped off
thousands of people and promoted a policy to enslave island women. He was
as near to a Siamese Twin with Jack Abramoff and Tom Delay as he could be.
Does MSFT think we can't read as many papers or websites as anyone ensconsed
on that Redmond campus? Now do you?
If MSFT were serious about the public,
1) Bug access would be the same as TBT.
2) Chat access would be the same as TBT.
3) Live Meeting access would be the same as TBT.
4) There would be information on crucial aspects of Vista on the MSFT sites.
There is none on many of them at this late date. Correct me if I'm wrong,
(and if you do show me substantively how many major features are not badly
broken) but the game plan is to put a very broken and flawed 5506 or so
build out to TBT any day and to drop the advertising promotion of a build to
the public and then about mid to late October to slap the Vista name on that
pig, have some softies lipstick, rouge and mascara it up and shove it out
the door instead of listening to a growing army of MVP and premier Vista
book authors who are saying to retool the thing and fix it and RTM it in the
I'm going to assume you are in school to get an education. When's the last
time your school witheld learning materials *from you? MSFT witholds chats
from the public, they withold Live Meetings from the public, and they have
declined to post information on major features of Vista instead substituting
an insulting Product Guide that is a cheerleading manual with a couple
sentences about their major recovery mechanism in Vista from PM Desmond
Lee's Win RE team.
Ask whomever (Dan Stevenson? File Core Services) when SFC will work in Vista
or if they are just going to shove it through the RTM door to the waiting
choppers with no switches working?
Ask Bill Gates and Jim Allchinif they want closeups when they put the gold
RTM on choppers if they stay on this time table? This has all the hallmarks
and fingerprints of Steve Sinofsky of "Dumb Down MSFT Office fame" so the
unwashed public won't get too confused with the features since 97% of the
public knows how to use 3% of the features in surveys/focus groups MSFT and
Gartner and other companies have conducted.
MSFT is using 26,000 plus TBTs, TAP and other programs with acronyms to get
feedback. They could care less about what the public thinks as long as they
buy the turkey. Allchin has been given direct feedback he solicited on how
broken it is.
The public is blocked from meaningful access to bugs on Connect, and it
wastes their time both to post them and try to access them. This has been
explained in detail and Nick White and Corey Snow are well aware of it. This
was pointed out on Paul Donnelly's blog by several posters, and he abruptly
stopped blogging about bugs last month. He knows MSFT doesn't want to allow
public access to bug information on Vista because it's becoming a
progressive, systemic failure.
I could go feature by feature with you or Nick, or any developer on any team
MSFT wants to serve up, that this is broken under the hood.
An public involvement is a simple McCann Ericson Wagner Edstrom promotion
from MSFTand MSFT has underscored its complete contempt for the public
except for their buying power duing the entire Vista Beta.
OEM installed boxes with Vista will have no viable means of repairing
Vista. For that matter, this moment Desmond Lee's team has not provided
anyone with reliable means for repairing Vista. Win RE's startup repair does
not work a high percent of the time; Repair Install modalities in XP do.
Ask Nick White or anyone you see on campus if they want to go one on one
repairing Vista or XP if they are given OEM materials to repair versus
someone who has a genuine MSFT media (XP CD or Vista DVD with full code) as
opposed to the crap that OEM ships because of MSFT greed. MSFT wants the
money for OEM preinstalls. Those licenses sold at an uptick of 20% last
quater; retail was 20% down. MSFT does not want to live up to their
obligation to provide meaningful repair media; the OEM media don't work for
this (recovery CDs or partitions hidden or unhidden). They have been asked
and they responded to this challenge with total silence because they have
nothing to say but "yeah we're greedy; we make small system builders provide
genuine MSFT media but we don't give a shit what the 300 Named Partner OEMs
provide." I watched a MSFT presenter at a meeting in June tell hundreds of
system builders who knew infinitely more about computers and Windows and the
MSFT servers than he did, just that.
Given that MSFT Tech Support on the phone AKA PSS is Convergys of Ohio cheap
butts in seats in India who have not learned much at all about the Windows
OS or MSFT Office, and have learned to speak English so poorly they are
almost 99% unintelligible, one would think MSFT has even a more compelling
reason to provide rather than withold education on their sties and to
provide the way that all the Softies use when they want to fix Vista on
their boxes to the public.
The Softies don't screw with the OEM crap although they do purchase OEM
boxes at a discount. What they use is genuine MSFT XP CDs and Vista DVDs if
they want to access repair modalities in XP and Vista.
I'd say that's an ellete, effete, and imperious attitude toward the public
who pays for the Softies' toys and their trappings.
Have you read these comments on Vista? Has your collegue Nick White?
Brushed them aside have you?
Robert's right: Windows Vista needs more time
Perillo's Critique After Allchin Interview and Request from Allchin
Robert [McLaws] and Robert[Scoble] Duh!
McLaws is Right on Windows Ship Date
July 31, 2006
Robert Scoble MSFT's Most Well Known Blogger on the Planet
MSDN Radio 9 Film Maker
Windows Vista Lipstick on a Pig
Groundswell of MSFT MVPs and Major Book Authors --Yo Wakeup Redmond Campus
Vista Teams--Take the several months you need to get this turkey out of
intensive care
or it will die.
Vista Needs More Time: The Entry I Didn't Want To Write
"Aseem Badshah (MS Intern)" <Aseem Badshah (MS
Intern)> wrote in message
I threw up a post on the Windows Vista Team Blog looking for feedback on
Scenario Voting:
I thought it would be a good idea to ask the Newsgroups also. Let me know
what you think of the Scenario Voting concept and website:
Thanks and I look forward to your replies
"Aseem Badshah (MS Intern)" <Aseem Badshah (MS
Intern)> wrote in message