What do you think is causing this??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Herr Pie
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Herr Pie

I have a new ATI 9800 pro running in my Win2K P4 2.8ghz machine. Sometimes
the colors will change after I have been playing games for a while or even
after I do simple non graphics intensive stuff. For example, the entire
screen will shift colors where the greens are now the blues, reds are
oranges, etc. Is this a fried card or is it overheating?? I am running the
latest 3.5 drivers. Thanks.
==> *Herr Pie* from: (e-mail address removed)
==> scribbled in: tAfVa.596$Oz4.354@rwcrnsc54
I have a new ATI 9800 pro running in my Win2K P4 2.8ghz machine.
Sometimes the colors will change after I have been playing games for a
while or even after I do simple non graphics intensive stuff. For
example, the entire screen will shift colors where the greens are now the
blues, reds are oranges, etc. Is this a fried card or is it
overheating?? I am running the latest 3.5 drivers. Thanks.

The latest catalyst driver is 3.6
Might be the guns, in the CRT. Is it a CRT? If it is, try replacing the
cable. Either that, or wiggling it around at the contact point in the back
of the monitor.

Herr Pie stood up, at show-n-tell in tAfVa.596$Oz4.354@rwcrnsc54 and said:
Thanks Strontium... I had this flickering on another video card in the same
machine a while back and I should have snapped. It turns out that if I
route my shielded video card cable too close to my router and UPS, I will
get video distortion. I moved the cable and the color shifts went away.

Herr Pie stood up, at show-n-tell in 2rgVa.987$Ho3.240@sccrnsc03 and said:
Win2k wasnt developed as a gaming platform. Im not saying this is the root
of the issue but Ive seen all kinds of anomalies on Win2k boxes running
games. Do you multi-boot Win98 or XP?
Win2k wasnt developed as a gaming platform. Im not saying this is the root
of the issue but Ive seen all kinds of anomalies on Win2k boxes running
games. Do you multi-boot Win98 or XP?
I use Win2K just fine, I haven't had a game not work, apart from a
couple of old games that won't install because they think its NT. XP
is just Win2K with cosmetic knobs on. I have tried XP, and have had a
lot more issues with that.

I'd have to say, regardless of how 2K was developed...it's a helluva alot
better than `98. 9x is for consumers. Oh, wait, you might qualify (hold
your breath, for the raffle). XP home might as well be labeled 'winblows
for idiots', too. It amazes me how people let the mfg's distort their own
common sense.

Mitch_A stood up, at show-n-tell in
[email protected] and said:

Considering I currently support nearly a 100 win2k pro boxes and 10 win2k
servers and 1 adv server box and was an Alpha/Beta tester from 1998 on and
have worked in this industry for nearly 20 yrs I dont think I qual as a
consumer. But hey I wont waste my time as youre such an expert.

Did I ever say it wouldnt work? I merely stated Win2k has anomalies on
quite a few different games under different flavors of DX and OGL and if you
happen to multiboot try the other OS. this is from experience not a NG or
book as you tried to learn from and failed...

It really amazes me when a fool thinks he knows something.

Plonk ..I..

"Scrotum" <[email protected]> tried to licked his own balls and found none
scribbled with crayons in message

news:[email protected]...
You obviously read as well as Scrotum. Did I say games dont fn work in
win2k? Im saying 2k wasnt dev'd as a consumer level (gaming) OS and Ive had
anomalies that other MS OS's dont have while running games. If he
multiboots then load said game on the other OS to see. If you have issues
with XP Andy then no need to respond as I can clearly see your skillset or
lack thereof and wont waste my time trying to teach you to read..