What do you suggest?

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On 1/20/2005 I posted a message with subject "Streaming Audio"
On 2/2/2005 I posted a message with subject "Getting Sound to play in IE

Is this newsgroup selective in the messages that will be responded to?
Should I post in another NG?

Please, I need some help and don't know where to turn.
There is an alt.audio.equipment (Audio equipment discussion group)
which you may find more suited to your needs. Post back if you cannot
locate it.

I have just looked for the terms of reference/aims of this forum, but I
cannot find them. I do know from usage that music questions are not
dealt with here. Sorry about that.

Emrys Davies.
I did not find the ng you mentioned, but did discover
ms.public.directx.audio and posted there. We will see if anyone has a
solution. Thanks for your response. At least I now know it was read.


There is an alt.audio.equipment (Audio equipment discussion group)
which you may find more suited to your needs. Post back if you cannot
locate it.

I have just looked for the terms of reference/aims of this forum, but I
cannot find them. I do know from usage that music questions are not
dealt with here. Sorry about that.

Emrys Davies.
Thanks for your response. I understand about the volunteers, just seemed
strange that the issue had not come up before and someone might direct to
another site. Thanks to Emrys Davies for doing just that.

This newsgroup is manned by (unpaid) volunteers. We tend not to answer if
we don't know the answer.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Thanks again for your reply and the suggested site. I can get to the website
by clicking on the address you give below, but I cannot get it in my News
Groups in OE. I have tried just about every conceivable combination of the
address and each time I click on it to check the available news groups I get
the error that the News Group cannot be found.

For the present, I will just log into the ng using the address you gave and
try to figure out getting it into OE later.

Thanks again,


This is the site I recommended.


You can access it via www.google.com > Groups > search using:

I access it via Outlook Express > Tools > Accounts > News > Add > News >
follow the wizard (See graphics on this site)

Post back if in doubt.

Emrys Davies.
In Outlook Express (under local folders) c. your news server (mine is
news.individual.net) > c. Newsgroups > In 'Display newsgroups which
contain' enter: electrical > highlight 'alt.engineering.electrical
(or whatever you choose) c. subscribe > c. OK > check 'New Messages' >

Emrys Davies.
I lost my concentration in last post:

for 'electrical' read 'audio'

and for 'alt.engineering.electrical' read 'alt.audio.equipment'.

Sorry about that.

Emrys Davies.