What do you do with your old PC bits?

What do you do with your old PC bits?

  • Sell them on

    Votes: 13 19.1%
  • Give them away

    Votes: 22 32.4%
  • Throw them in the bin

    Votes: 11 16.2%
  • Recycle them

    Votes: 22 32.4%

  • Total voters


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
When you've finished with you computer, either by buying a new one or upgrading/replacing components, what do you do with them?
Combination of 'sell them on' and 'give them away' depending on what they are.

I've actually got quite a few things surplus to requirements right here right now.

May put up a 'for sale' thread shortly, not sure.
sometimes I have to chuck the non working parts in the bin

the parts that are old and work end up lying around or put into other machines
some of these parts get sold on knock down prices

and I think you should add another options

something like : leave the part lying around
put into another machine
Tend to just hoard them in case I need some in the future - of course that really means they just sit there in a box unused for years :D
I just got rid of my packard hell recently, but after all the trouble i had over the years with it i would not have passed it on. Motherboard had some error known by the makers! Did keep the slot 1 CPU & RAM. Hard Drive will be put into a usb caddy and used as a back up hard drive.

But if i break up anyothers i will let you know if they are any good for you.
What sought of spec are you after Muckshifter?

unfortunately i recycle my old parts,...
unfrotunate because my local waste center charges 17 dollars a pc to recycle...10 dollars to dump a quarter ton of waste. 600 US LB

dont seem right.
I keep my old pc's if they arent broke.

I have a old mac from about 1994, one of the old 99/2000 coloured imacs, a broken laptop someone gave me, an hp which is actually alright and my shiny new rig.

and all but the last to are in the shed. and there they shall stay.

oh and some wierd acorn. Don't know where the came from. Found it in the attic the other week.
If the bits aren't too old then might just sell then or give away... never recycled before might give it a go! :D

Normally I just shove my spare parts in a cupboard, and then use them for fixing other peoples computers, or building new ones for friends.

Occasionally if my spares are of any value I will sell them on eBay.
I am also a hoarder. Got so many old pc's that i thought "might come in handy" and are now just useless. I do however have the first computer i ever built myself!! Nice Chaintek motherboard, P90 processor overclocked to 100!! ;-) Think it has a whopping 16Mb of RAM and a 2mb Diamond Stealth SE graphics card!! It's a beast. Anyone want to buy it??
Sell them to my friends, helps me pay for more powerful equipment :)
It all depends on the shape it is in. I would never give a friend something I felt was junk.

psd99 said:
sometimes I have to chuck the non working parts in the bin

the parts that are old and work end up lying around or put into other machines
some of these parts get sold on knock down prices

and I think you should add another options

something like : leave the part lying around
put into another machine

LMAO Exactly well the lying around part anyway 0.o >.< o.0
i experiment on them, i had an old leaky water cooling rig, so i patched that up, next i had a motherboard complete with pentium 3, the water block not exactly snug fit, but i overclocked it right up to a whooping 3.8ghz. it blew up by the way.
I just hoarde all of my bits.

there is no way of properly 'recycling' them as they are full of lead and stuff, so its better at the minute to just keep them and have spares of things.
recycle - i may take a 1mhz / 256mb ram pc and turn it into a linux/acache webserver... if i post an ip address, you know i did.