What do you all think of this (ACTA)

Jul 11, 2010
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Representatives of 21 of the EU’s member states, including the UK, have signed off on the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) – the European version of the US SOPA and PIPA rolled into one and cranked up to 11.

:user:I think this is disgusting we the public have not been consulted will this mean more snooping by someone on our private lives. at least the public in the US and all over the world showed their disapproval to Uncle Sam with a millions of signatures (mine included) against SOPA and congress decided to drop it. Yes I do object to people downloading copyright material for free without permission and but this is going too far, I don't some brown nosed Whitehall git rifling through my personal emails and web habits. This is meant to be a free country and as every year goes by we lose some freedom bit by bit. Dam politisions I would shoot the lot of them and start again with a new lot who have some honesty and speak without weasly words which dont convey what they think and are about to do.:wall:
as a rule, I don't do politics, but I'll tell you one thing, you ain't free (restrictions apply) . :)

They're trying to get this one through a bit sneaky ain't they?

This isn't really politics imo, this is the blue meanies trying to stamp on our heads.

Oppose it, hopefully public awareness will rise as it did in The States against that SOPA crap.

Scary stuff.

The underlying intention, below all the public hyperbole, is that the Goverment don't like anybody having any freedom. The Internet may be the last bastion of freedom and yes, even a little anarchy. Hence the blue meanie's nose out of joint and all this legislation.

The Internet scares those who would be king which is why they are trying to supress it.

They will cite piracy and child pornography as valid arguments for their actions, do not be fooled.
It strikes me that whilst SOPA and PIPA has been filling the headlines, ACTA has managed to slip in under the radar.
Its not like ACTA hasn't been around for a while, official registration was in 2008. If anything I am more concerned about US passing law on NDAA and the fact they are starting to man their many concentration camps across the US. How long before the puppets here follow suite and do the same ?
They're trying to get this one through a bit sneaky ain't they?

Bit too late for action now it has already been signed and sealed.


Both ACTA and TPP were developed without public input and outside international trade groups, like the World Trade Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

ACTA Violates Magna Carta and US Constitution

Like PIPA and SOPA, two domestic internet censorship bills that prompted major websites to blacken their name or website in a Jan. 18th protest, ACTA allows accusers of copyright infringement to bypass judicial review. Lack of “due process” makes these bills and ACTA unconstitutional and violates the Magna Carta, a charter signed in 1215 on which most Western law is based, including the US Constitution. It is often cited as the most important legal document in the history of democracy.

(The USA PATRIOT Acts, Obama’s assassination program, and the National Defense Authorization Act that allows indefinite detention are among many recent laws passed in the US which directly breach the Magna Carta.)

Well done Cameron and Obama :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
:eek: Yep Big Brother is watching YOU and YOU and YOU,so much for privacy and the rights of the indivdual :mad::cry:

Polish politicians donned Guy Fawkes masks in parliament this week, in protest of a SOPA-style anti-piracy agreement signed by the government.


WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- Poland's prime minister says he is suspending the ratification process for an international copyright treaty after widespread protests and attacks on government websites.

Poland is the only country that has seen major opposition to the treaty. Opponents say it will restrict Internet free speech and allow online surveillance.

An what do our politicians and 99.99% of our population do ?

That's right nothing at all. :(

So if you can not be bothered to fight for your freedoms then don't waste your time complaining when your freedoms have been taken away from you. :nod:

Me I would rather die a free thinking fighter for freedom than live as a servile touch me cap servile boot kisser. :p