TrollsBane wrote:
TrollsBane wrote:
TrollsBane wrote:
TrollsBane wrote:
My other post didn't produce the results I was looking for, so
I'm rewording it here. I'm not ignoring the responses I did
What do you call a window that is always on top and
semi-transparent (like a ghost)? But clicks and typing will go
through to the windows beneath it. I'm searching for such a
product, but I can't figure out what to call it. I'm looking for
one that is compatible with video.
It's not wallpaper, background, or a screensaver.
Ubuntu has's called compiz crashing.
Funny, it's never crashed on any of my computers. Lying again?
Yep, you sure are but what else is new?
Google "ubuntu compiz crash" and view 184,000 additional lies.
Compared to millions when you search for Vista crash. Ho hum, you
sure are lame, dude.
Google "vista crash"....604,000
Goggle "ubuntu crash" ... 3,150,000
ubuntu crashes more often than the number of PC's [sic] it's
on......LMAO...that's LAME
Never crashed on me or the dozens of computers I have installed on. If
you think that Ubuntu crashes more than Windows of any flavor, you are
very ill informed but that's to be expected from a dolt like you who
believes the FUD emanating out of Redmond.
Speaking of the long period of your claimed "ubuntu
installation, ruin client's PC's campaign" you are at the dozens still
It's been dozens for a least a year.
I think it's 2 ... both yours.
"Dozens" doesn't mean "two". It could be thousands or didn't you learn
what plurals are in school? For example, "PC" does not need an
apostrophe to be plural; that's for the possessive form, you moron.
Results 1 - 10 of about 3,000,000 for vista crashes. (0.44 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,450,000 for Ubuntu crashes. (0.20 seconds)
My favorite is "trying to make Ubuntu crash" as one of the results.