I built a new computer last fall with Win2k pro as the OS.
It has a 56k modem that reliably connected at 48k all fall
and into the winter. My employeer is my ISP, so I brought
it in to the IT people so they could add it to the network
so I can access my work files from home. Now it only
connects at 21.6k, occasionally 26.4k.
The modem dials, beeps and instead of instantly connecting
as it used to, now it pauses for a few seconds, then beeps
again and waits, then beeps again and waits, seems like
each time it beeps it gets slower until it finally
connects. What is the networking software doing to slow it
down? and what can I do to speed it up?
I have two access numbers, one going south, one north from
the house, same situation on each.
It has a 56k modem that reliably connected at 48k all fall
and into the winter. My employeer is my ISP, so I brought
it in to the IT people so they could add it to the network
so I can access my work files from home. Now it only
connects at 21.6k, occasionally 26.4k.
The modem dials, beeps and instead of instantly connecting
as it used to, now it pauses for a few seconds, then beeps
again and waits, then beeps again and waits, seems like
each time it beeps it gets slower until it finally
connects. What is the networking software doing to slow it
down? and what can I do to speed it up?
I have two access numbers, one going south, one north from
the house, same situation on each.