what Changes are needed while upgrading from MSVC6 MSVC7

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Hi ,

This is Arun.

We have planed to move from msvc6 to msvc7 for utilize the following:

- A stricter runtime library that could identify and help avoid API and
memory problems

- MS VC 6 is prior to the end of its support

- Visual Basic code is not affected and can stay as it is

- No new technology (in spite of associated .NET capabilities within MS
Development Environment 2003 we simply utilize the newest C and C++
compiler/linker/debugger on the existing code)

Can anyone let me know what changes are neede in the projects created on

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Gregory,

I have tried compiling vc6 project using vc7 compiler it gives me following

\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\RpcDce.h(824) : error C2085:
'RpcServerUseProtseqA' : not in formal parameter list

and also gives lot of syntax errors in rpcdce.h

can anyone suggest solution for it.

I tried one thing:
#include "<windows.h>" to top it works fine. But i am not sure whether it's
a right solution and it takes lot of time to modify every file in each

A good solution would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,