What can keep you from editing a form?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZBC
  • Start date Start date


I somehow mangaged to prevent any editing of a form.
The form's source in a query based on 3 tables.
I have determined the following:
The text boxes are set to 'Enabled - YES' and 'locked - NO'
The form's 'Allow Edits' is set to 'YES" and 'Record Locks is set
to 'No Locks'
I am able to highlight portions of the textbox ... but not change anything.

What else could be the problem?

The query that is the record source of your form is probably not updateable.
If the query is using aggregate functions (like Max(), Sum(), etc.) or has
totals this will be the case.

You can test this out by running the query as a query (away from your form)
to see if you can make changes to the result set.

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

I somehow mangaged to prevent any editing of a form.
The form's source in a query based on 3 tables.
I have determined the following:
The text boxes are set to 'Enabled - YES' and 'locked - NO'
The form's 'Allow Edits' is set to 'YES" and 'Record Locks is set to
'No Locks'
I am able to highlight portions of the textbox ... but not change anything.

What else could be the problem?

ZBC said:
I somehow mangaged to prevent any editing of a form.
The form's source in a query based on 3 tables.
I have determined the following:
The text boxes are set to 'Enabled - YES' and 'locked - NO'
The form's 'Allow Edits' is set to 'YES" and 'Record Locks is set
to 'No Locks'
I am able to highlight portions of the textbox ... but not change anything.

What else could be the problem?

Most likely the query itself is not updateable. This is easily determined
by attempting to edit data directly in the query.

This is common with queries having multiple tables in them. There is a
help file topic that discusses this issue that you might want to take a
look at.
Apparently that is the problem ...
I have 3 tables with 2 one-to-many relationships.
Is there a way around this?
ZBC said:
Apparently that is the problem ...
I have 3 tables with 2 one-to-many relationships.
Is there a way around this?

Access queries are editable as long as Access/Jet has no problem positively
identifying the exact rows in the base tables that the query is
referencing. As you build multi-table queries you can very easily end up
with output that displays what you want without having this positive link
to specific rows in all tables. At that point Access will make the query
read-only to avoid data corruption.

As stated before, there is a help topic that specifically addresses when a
query is updateable or why it is not. You need to read that and see what
applies to your specific situation. In some cases the query can be
modified a bit and again become editable. In other cases it cannot.
I 'did' read (and print) the help files as you suggested ... sorry for
giving you the impression that I did not!
I was thinking that there may be a technique that is often used to work
around the issue ... maybe building a pyramid of Queries (no more than 2
tables at the bottom of the pyramid) or something simular might work? I
will try a few trial and error approaches.
Thanks for you help.
Rick Brandt said:
This is common with queries having multiple tables in them. There is
a help file topic that discusses this issue that you might want to
take a look at.

Specifically, the title of the topic is "When can I update data from a
query?", under "Queries" -> "Opening, Viewing, and Running Queries".