What can I do in Visual C# Standard

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mortel
  • Start date Start date


What I find in this product ? I want to buy this tool but I'm afraid that
it's simple tool to do good application.
I know that I can read about that on the internet but I want to hear what
you think about that. I know that vesion Standard is as good as Professional
or Architect but I don't want any trouble with Asp.Net projects, simple
windows application or connection to MS Sql. If you have this product tell
me how you work with that.
Thank's all.

What I find in this product ? I want to buy this tool but I'm afraid that
it's simple tool to do good application.
I know that I can read about that on the internet but I want to hear what
you think about that. I know that vesion Standard is as good as Professional
or Architect but I don't want any trouble with Asp.Net projects, simple
windows application or connection to MS Sql. If you have this product tell
me how you work with that.
You can do normal applictions too, like you would do in Delphi or Visal
It has a C++ like syntax, but compared to VC++ it is a dream to work with.

It is pure a object oriented language and not like C++ that has so many
compiler directives and macro's that you keep on fighting trying to keep the
compiler to compile things than actually coding. In my opinion, I can
develop more with the same quality like C++.

There are some important things to realize:

* The C# compiled programs expects the .NET framework installed. .NET
framwework is a bit like vbrunxx.dll (Visual basic runtime) or mfcxx.dll
(Microsoft foundation classses). This can be simply done through the
Internet explore/Windows/update. And it exists for any Windows 98 and up.

* Default the C# generated .NET programs refuse to access the network files
and drives. You have to activate this in your program assembly.cs source
file. Or do this programatically.

* Default the .NET framwork installation does not allow an .NET aplication
to access it's network drives. Every user that installs this .NET program
(created in c" or VC++,...) must tell the .NET framwork to trust this
application. This is done through the Control panel, administrative options
and some .NET wizard. It is also possible to tell the wizard to trust any
..NET application to access the "My computer","Local intranet" and/or
"Internet" zones.

* I do not see any speed difference between C++ generated code and C#. I do
see that starting up takes a little longer since it also have to load the
..NET framework dll's but once people have more .NET programs running on the
background, this wil not be noticed anymore. The GUI takes up far more
processor time, but it also contans hints, tooltips, resizing,... standard.

From my view, both Delphi and C# are the best created compilers ever.