What Book to buy?



Gday All

Ok I need help with deciding what book to buy to help me program i
excel VBA?

I went to the book shop today and there are so many but I don’t know i
they are going to be helpful enough for myself.

I want a book that will help me program in macros and have a list o

So what type of books do you all have? And what’s good about them? Wha
do they have that is useful?

I am more interested in a book that is about excel VBA scripting
macros and not so much on graphics. I want the book to have a list o
functions that explain what they do and worked examples.

I know forums have their own books but I need to know more because
thought I knew what book to buy but going down to the book shop I go
lost and didn’t know which book to buy.




In books you won't find what you're looking for, and what you don't need is
Just search the web; there are thousands of tutorials, all for nothing,
always update.

Bob Phillips

I endorse JE's recommendation on the VBA Programmer's Reference. It won't
fit your bill exactly, but with the online help it should cover what you

There is a 2003 version out now which is quite a bit bigger than previous,
but not checked out what has been added yet.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

JE McGimpsey

Given the myriad ways that people learn, your statement is remarkably
silly (except for the existence of thousands of free tutorials, which,
IMO, are mostly terrible).


Check out your local libary and see which publisher or series most closely
suits your needs and level.
Then go and spend your hard earned cash.


Tom Ogilvy

From what I heard, the 2003 version wasn't written by the original authors
(even though they are listed) - I assume that the manuscript from the 2002
version forms the foundation of the book, but any additions were apparently
by Paul Kimmel who is shown as the first author. Doesn't mean it isn't a
good book - I haven't seen it.

Tom Ogilvy

Bob Phillips said:
I endorse JE's recommendation on the VBA Programmer's Reference. It won't
fit your bill exactly, but with the online help it should cover what you

There is a 2003 version out now which is quite a bit bigger than previous,
but not checked out what has been added yet.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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