Lanwench said:
Backup Exec is great stuff. I have had no problems with it. You'll need the
remote agent (?) to back up other servers, IIRC. Avoid Arcserve - I think
Computer Associates has ruined what was a nice Cheyenne product. ;-)
I use Veritas 9.0 in a Windows environment, and Arcserve 6.6 in a
Netware environment. Once you get used to their idiosyncracies, they're
both ok.
My biggest gripe with Veritas is that you get a lot of job failed
results, apparently because it is so picky about what constitutes a
successful backup. However, if Veritas says the backup was successful,
you can be pretty sure it was! Another gripe about Veritas, is that
resolving errors by researching their knowledgebase is a real pain. With
Arcserve, I could usually find and resolve problems relatively quickly
in their knowledgebase online.