What are you doing about spam?



I use Outlook 2002 with rules and SpamPal. They do a good job of filtering
spam. However, I still review the spamtrap folder (spam is moved here) just
in case something was accidentally moved. This takes much time as I now
receive oever 250 spam messages/day.

Once an email address becomes over run with spam, is it best to discard that
address and get a new one?

I'm thinking of using two addresses. One that I send to people I know and
another for various accounts I sign up with. The one for accounts will
probably become over run with spam at some point. It will be easy enough to
create a new address and use it for the account...deleting the old account
address. I'll keep doing this as the account email address becomes over run
with spam. The personal should be fine for a long time.

Does the above sound like a good idea?

What are you doing once your email address is maxed out with spam?




Sounds like a good idea to me, although it's unfortunate we have to take
such steps. There is always a chance too that someone you know gets a virus
or somesuch that generates unwanted email being sent to all in their address

Protecting your PC with current anti-virus software & a firewall is about
the most we can do, I think.

Another recommendation is to ensure you don't use your real email address
when posting to forums such as this one. Sad but true, even though there are
many who genuinely want to help, there are still scummers (spammers) that
raid these places for fresh meat

All the best, Lee

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