What are you computer skills like?

What are you computer skills like?

  • Expert level

    Votes: 17 13.8%
  • Pretty good

    Votes: 68 55.3%
  • About average

    Votes: 26 21.1%
  • Novice / Just starting

    Votes: 12 9.8%

  • Total voters


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Would you say you're an expert behind the keyboard, or are you just starting out?

I thought it would be interesting to have a poll and see where people are :)
i think my knowledge is pretty good, admitedly i dont know any programming languages but i know more than the average person
Novice / Just starting


* well, it's true ... I know naff all on all the new stuff that is out there *
Pretty good here... i'm by no stretch of the imagination am i an expert but definatly better than average, i would say.
Well it only took me 3 days to fit a graphics card . So I don't know if I should go for the Pretty Good or Expert Level option . :lol:
Build my own and manage my own. Of course for information, places like these help :) Even the experts look for feedback on the web to gain knowledge ;)
I'm definitely no expert.

But i spend a lot more time sat infront of the PC reading this that and the other, not to mention all the upgrading to my pc.

I have learned a hell of a lot from this site infact, and for that i thank you! :thumb:
100,000 I.T qualifications later, i realise the more i learn the less I know. But im getting there ;).
pc skills

I have a few IT qualifications, but probably not as many people, came late to IT, in fact up until 7 odd years ago i could not even use a pc:o Some is self taught others through training courses.:thumb:
when i joined i was crap..
now though only powerpoint and databases away from finishing my ECDL part 2 . Powerpoint exam next friday . I passed my Word last friday with a score of 92% with only 2 days revision , not bad .
Then its onward to the e module and then who knows ??
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marleyuk said:
100,000 I.T qualifications later, i realise the more i learn the less I know. But im getting there ;).

lots of NCFE's in Hardware, Programming, Networking, Web Design, Multimedia. A HND in business I.T, and im now 4th Year on my Comp. Science degree.
Me good on hardware, but the finer points of software programs leave me flummoxed.

I guess I'm somewhere between 'About average' & 'Pretty good'.

So for this survey, me will go for 'Pretty good' cos I feeling big-headed right now :)
Similar to Flops - I'm reasonably good on the hardware side, but software not so good.....

Not sure what level we are comparing against here, but if its against the average PC user, then I'd like to think I'm pretty good....:p

*Edit: I see we have 15 declared 'experts' so far - hopefully they will answer all the problems on here then....:rolleyes:
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I noticed that too Ady, we have 15 'Experts' who have viewed this thread then eh?

Depends on one's definition of 'Expert' I suppose.

I know very few people on forums who I'd consider 'Expert' but there are certainly some out there. And even those guys don't know it all, which they freely admit.
I too noticed that and was wondering who they really are ;) I consider myself pretty good with the computer but nowhere near an expert for sure.
On the whole I would say "Pretty Good" and that's what I voted for.

I'd like to think I can handle most of the issues I am used to dealing with, and in some areas maybe I would "blow my own trumpet" and classify myself as a expert, but as that's what I do for a living, you have got to be bloody good, or they get someone else. :thumb:

Does that make sense? ;)
Yeah i'm gonna be honest and say i voted expert as i've been messing up peoples pc's for quite some years now....:D

I work as an engineer and although i don't claim to know everything, I am pretty handy with me screwdrivers and and am tinkering with the bl**dy things 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year....So if that don't qualify for expert then i'm going home...:rolleyes:

The Dictionary meaning:

adj : having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a proficient engineer";

I hope to think that i am a proficient engineer....:lol:

As Citech said if i were no bloody good, they would soon get someone else....;)
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