Yesterday I went to the local dump to drop off some garbage. Sitting
next to the dumpster was a whole box of computer stuff. Most was just
old books, manuals, and printer/power/parallel cables. Of course much
of this is useful, so I just threw the whole box in my car. I was
just digging thru the box and discarding the useless paper stuff. On
the bottom of the box was a parallel cable switcher. That will help
my printer swapping. But there are 2 boxes that I am not sure just
what they are. They were connected together with a cord that looks
like a phone cord with larger plugs on the ends.
One says Westell DSL Modem, and has no switches, but has 4 lights on
the front that are labelled USB - ETHERNET - READY - POWER. I dont
have access to DSL in this rural area, but I am assuming this is the
modem that would be used if I had DSL access. It's lacking the black
plugin transformer that calls for 12V plug on rear. What I dont
understand is how this plugs in. I assume the USB cable is what is
used to get the signal into the computer, the one labelled LINE goes
to the phone jack. But then there's the ETHERNET connection, which
was connected to the other box, which is called D-Link Ethernet
Broadband Router. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? Yes, I know it's for a
network, but I have never setup a network, so what does this do, and
why does the DSL modem go to it, AND to the computer? This thing has
5 of those plugs that look like large ended phone cords. It also
lacks the power transformer labelled 5V 2A. Can this be used to
network several computers together? If so, what would the cables plug
into. My computers dont have any of those large ended phone cable
plugs...... It would be sort of nice to network my main computer
(Win98) and my test computer which has numerous operating systems
depending on which harddrive I put in it.
I think I went to the dump at the right time. I love boxes of stuff
like this, just wish I knew what this was all for. There are quite a
few USB cables, and those are surely useful and rather costly to buy.
next to the dumpster was a whole box of computer stuff. Most was just
old books, manuals, and printer/power/parallel cables. Of course much
of this is useful, so I just threw the whole box in my car. I was
just digging thru the box and discarding the useless paper stuff. On
the bottom of the box was a parallel cable switcher. That will help
my printer swapping. But there are 2 boxes that I am not sure just
what they are. They were connected together with a cord that looks
like a phone cord with larger plugs on the ends.
One says Westell DSL Modem, and has no switches, but has 4 lights on
the front that are labelled USB - ETHERNET - READY - POWER. I dont
have access to DSL in this rural area, but I am assuming this is the
modem that would be used if I had DSL access. It's lacking the black
plugin transformer that calls for 12V plug on rear. What I dont
understand is how this plugs in. I assume the USB cable is what is
used to get the signal into the computer, the one labelled LINE goes
to the phone jack. But then there's the ETHERNET connection, which
was connected to the other box, which is called D-Link Ethernet
Broadband Router. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? Yes, I know it's for a
network, but I have never setup a network, so what does this do, and
why does the DSL modem go to it, AND to the computer? This thing has
5 of those plugs that look like large ended phone cords. It also
lacks the power transformer labelled 5V 2A. Can this be used to
network several computers together? If so, what would the cables plug
into. My computers dont have any of those large ended phone cable
plugs...... It would be sort of nice to network my main computer
(Win98) and my test computer which has numerous operating systems
depending on which harddrive I put in it.
I think I went to the dump at the right time. I love boxes of stuff
like this, just wish I knew what this was all for. There are quite a
few USB cables, and those are surely useful and rather costly to buy.