I thought this was going to be easy but I guess I'm an idiot.
All I want to do is show when job orders decrease Unemployment increases.
I can see job orders but not Unemployment. I was hoping to use the line graph
to show a trend. Thanks for your help.
Month Unemployment Job Orders
January 6.40% 262
February 6.80% 212
March 6.20% 207
April 5.30% 251
May 5.20% 209
June 5.80% 176
July 6.20% 229
August 0.00% 140
September 0.00% 115
October 0.00% 0
November 0.00% 0
December 0.00% 0
All I want to do is show when job orders decrease Unemployment increases.
I can see job orders but not Unemployment. I was hoping to use the line graph
to show a trend. Thanks for your help.
Month Unemployment Job Orders
January 6.40% 262
February 6.80% 212
March 6.20% 207
April 5.30% 251
May 5.20% 209
June 5.80% 176
July 6.20% 229
August 0.00% 140
September 0.00% 115
October 0.00% 0
November 0.00% 0
December 0.00% 0