What am I doing wrong?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joseph
  • Start date Start date


Can soneone tell me what I am doing wrong or what is wrong with this function??

Public Function IsEnrolled(dEntry as Date, dExit as Variant, ReqMon as
Integer, ReqYear as Integer) as Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_IsEnrolled

Dim dReqDate

dReqDate = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon,1))

If IsDate(dExit) = False Then dExit = Date

If Format(dEntry,"yyyy mm") < format(dReqDate,"yyyy mm") = True then
if format(dReqDate,"yyyy mm") < Format(dExit, "yyyy mm") = true then
IsEnrolled = true
end if
IsEnrolled = false
end if

exit function

msgbox err.description
resume exit_isenrolled

end function

sample data:
dEntry = 2006-04-11
dExit = 2007-01-20
ReqMon = 01
ReqYear = 2007
I get false for everything
Joseph said:
Can soneone tell me what I am doing wrong or what is wrong with this

Public Function IsEnrolled(dEntry as Date, dExit as Variant, ReqMon as
Integer, ReqYear as Integer) as Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_IsEnrolled

Dim dReqDate

dReqDate = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon,1))

If IsDate(dExit) = False Then dExit = Date

If Format(dEntry,"yyyy mm") < format(dReqDate,"yyyy mm") = True then
if format(dReqDate,"yyyy mm") < Format(dExit, "yyyy mm") = true then
IsEnrolled = true
end if
IsEnrolled = false
end if

exit function

msgbox err.description
resume exit_isenrolled

end function

sample data:
dEntry = 2006-04-11
dExit = 2007-01-20
ReqMon = 01
ReqYear = 2007
I get false for everything

For those arguments, at least, you'll get False because:

?Format(#1/1/2007#, "yyyy mm")
2007 01
?Format(#1/20/2007#, "yyyy mm")
2007 01
?Format(#1/1/2007#, "yyyy mm") < Format(#1/20/2007#, "yyyy mm")

If you really mean for *all* the date comparisons to be by month and year
only, then I expect you need to use the <= operator in your comparison to
So doing this should work right?

If dEntry <= dReqDate = True then
if dReqDate <= dExit = true then
IsEnrolled = true
end if
IsEnrolled = false
end if

sample data:
dEntry = 2006-04-11
dExit = 2007-01-20
ReqMon = 01
ReqYear = 2007

But, I still get IsEnrolled = False
Joseph said:
So doing this should work right?

If dEntry <= dReqDate = True then
if dReqDate <= dExit = true then
IsEnrolled = true
end if
IsEnrolled = false
end if

sample data:
dEntry = 2006-04-11
dExit = 2007-01-20
ReqMon = 01
ReqYear = 2007

But, I still get IsEnrolled = False

Is that a correct transcription of the actual code you're running now? I
just tried it and I got True:

?IsEnrolled(#4/11/2006#, #1/20/2007#, 1, 2007)

I notice that your original code as posted left out the second "Else"
keyword that you now have (correctly) placed in the code block. But the
spotty capitalization in your post convinces me that you typed that code
into your message, rather than copy/pasting it from the code window, and you
may have made a mistake in transcription. It's always best to copy and
paste the code directly from the code window, so as to avoid introducing
transcription errors.

Also, how are you calling the function and passing its arguments? Please
post the line of code you use.
Here is my whole module

I call these modules thru a query that pulls the dates from a crosstab query

the crosstab goes:
cadetid Date of Enty Exited Boot Camp
1 2006-05-05 2006-12-20
33 2006-08-15 2007-06-11
I select the month thru a form that I type the year and numeric month

The function DatesofService is working correctly and so is the IsEnrolled
Function, now the DaysofService function is not. The function returns the
number of days -1 for the entire month, ie Jun has 30 days, the function
returns 29 days for all records
Could you go thru and find the error, because I can not.

PS:The response = msgbox() is so that I could check the what data is being

Public Function NumofDays(Month As Integer) As Integer

On Error GoTo Error_NumofDays

Select Case Month

Case 1

NumofDays = 31

Case 2

NumofDays = 28

Case 3

NumofDays = 31

Case 4

NumofDays = 30

Case 5

NumofDays = 31

Case 6

NumofDays = 30

Case 7

NumofDays = 31

Case 8

NumofDays = 31

Case 9

NumofDays = 30

Case 10

NumofDays = 31

Case 11

NumofDays = 30

Case 12

NumofDays = 31

Case Else

NumofDays = 31

End Select


Exit Function


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_NumofDays

End Function

Public Function IsEnrolled(dEntry As Date, dExit As Variant, ReqMon As
Integer, ReqYear As Integer) As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_IsEnrolled

Dim dReqDate

dReqDate = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, 1))

'response = MsgBox(dReqDate & " " & dEntry & " " & dExit, vbOKOnly)

dStartofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, 1))

dEndofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, NumofDays(ReqMon)))

'response = MsgBox(dStartofMonth & " " & dEntry & " " & dExit, vbOKOnly)

If IsDate(dExit) = False Then dExit = dEndofMonth

If (Format(dEntry, "yyyy mm") <= Format(dReqDate, "yyyy mm")) = True

'response = MsgBox(dEntry & " " & dReqDate, vbOKOnly, "dEntry <=

If (Format(dReqDate, "yyyy mm") <= Format(dExit, "yyyy mm")) =
True Then

'response = MsgBox(dEntry & " " & dReqDate & " " & dExit,
vbOKOnly, "dEntry <= dReqDate <= dExit")

IsEnrolled = True


IsEnrolled = False

End If


IsEnrolled = False

End If


Exit Function


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_IsEnrolled

End Functio

Public Function CalcDaysofService(dEntry As Date, dExit As Variant, ReqMon
As Integer, ReqYear As Integer) As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_CalcDaysofService

Dim dEndofMonth As Date

Dim dStartofMonth As Date

Dim iFirstDay As Integer

Dim iLastDay As Integer

iFirstDay = 1

iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

dStartofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, 1))

dEndofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, NumofDays(ReqMon)))

'response = MsgBox(dStartofMonth & " " & dEntry & " " & dExit, vbOKOnly)

If IsDate(dExit) = False Then

dExit = dEndofMonth

End If

If (Year(dEntry) = ReqYear) = True And (Month(dEntry) = ReqMon) = True

If Day(dEntry) >= 1 Then

iFirstDay = Day(dEntry)


iFirstDay = 1

End If

iFirstDay = 1

End If

'response = MsgBox(iFirstDay, vbOKOnly, "First Day")

If (Year(dExit) = ReqYear) = True And (Month(dExit) = ReqMon) = True Then

If Day(dExit) <= NumofDays(ReqMon) Then

iLastDay = Day(dExit)


iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

End If

iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

End If

'response = MsgBox(iLastDay, vbOKOnly, "Last Day")

CalcDaysofService = diff2dates2("d", DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear,
ReqMon, iFirstDay)), DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, iLastDay)))


Exit Function


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CalcDaysofService

End Function

Public Function DatesofService(iDaysofService As Integer, dDoE As Date,
dDoExit As Variant, ReqMon As Integer, ReqYear As Integer) As Variant

On Error GoTo Err_DatesofService

dStartofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, 1))

dEndofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, NumofDays(ReqMon)))

If IsDate(dDoExit) = False Then dDoExit = dEndofMonth

If iDaysofService < NumofDays(ReqMon) Then

If (Year(dDoE) = ReqYear) = True And (Month(dDoE) = ReqMon) = True

iFirstDay = Day(dDoE)


iFirstDay = 1

End If

'response = MsgBox(iFirstDay, vbOKOnly, "First Day")

If (Year(dDoExit) = ReqYear) = True And (Month(dDoExit) = ReqMon) =
True Then

iLastDay = Day(dDoExit)


iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

End If

DatesofService = iFirstDay & " - " & iLastDay & " " &
Format(dEndofMonth, "mmm")


DatesofService = "1 - " & NumofDays(ReqMon) & " " &
Format(dEndofMonth, "mmm")

End If


Exit Function


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_DatesofService

End Function
I was able to correct the function by changing the way to compare dates.

Public Function CalcDaysofService(dEntry As Date, dExit As Variant, ReqMon
As Integer, ReqYear As Integer) As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_CalcDaysofService

Dim dEndofMonth As Date

Dim dStartofMonth As Date

Dim iFirstDay As Integer

Dim iLastDay As Integer

iFirstDay = 1

iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

dStartofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, 1))

dEndofMonth = DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, NumofDays(ReqMon)))

If IsDate(dExit) = False Then

dExit = dEndofMonth

End If

If (Year(dEntry) = ReqYear) = True And (Month(dEntry) = ReqMon) = True

If Day(dEntry) >= 1 Then

iFirstDay = Day(dEntry)


iFirstDay = 1

End If

iFirstDay = 1

End If

If (Year(dExit) = ReqYear) = True And (Month(dExit) = ReqMon) = True Then

If Day(dExit) <= NumofDays(ReqMon) Then

iLastDay = Day(dExit)


iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

End If

iLastDay = NumofDays(ReqMon)

End If

CalcDaysofService = diff2dates2("d", DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear,
ReqMon, iFirstDay)), DateValue(DateSerial(ReqYear, ReqMon, iLastDay)))


Exit Function


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CalcDaysofService

End Function