what a crock of Shi



and the saga continues>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> formatted PC installed xp
home>>>>Installed xpsp2 from CD then installed my AV software etc etc.
Drivers etc etc blah blah. downloaded latest version of Sun Java runtime and
tried a java based chat site and then total lockup. Isn't it all shit? Pay
me for the time that I have spent on resolving MS issues. What a farce!!

give me an OS that works please!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been a staunch windows user since 3.1 but this is now getting out of
hand. It is costing me more in man hours to rectify my networks and
individual machines than I can earn (Thought? can I pass Microsofts
ineptitudes on as a cost to my customers?)


Mike H

Many have installed SP2 without problems.. I guess that not all of those
people visited a java based chat site.. you speak of the ineptitude of MS,
but from the posts that you have made in the past, there seems to be an
element of ineptitude on your part too.. have you considered switching to
Linux?.. do you think that there are never problems with any other operating


Hi Mike,
Frustration yes, Ineptitude possibly but only following instructions from so
called experts (ineptitude by proxy) Hey that could be what is causing my
networking problems(Just a thought). I spent over 6 hours on the phone to MS
SP2 support over the past few days trying to resolve networking problems, on
each occasion when the tech suuport guy/girl didn't have a clue they then
escalated my case and promised me a callback within 12 hours (Laugh) didn't
get back to me at all, I called them back and went through name, details etc
etc, my case number and was then again subjected to an automaton reading
through a prewritten script of so called fixes.Then Just when I expected it
(as is the case with all problems that MS cannot solve ) came the immortal
words, 'Do a complete reformat' that'll sort you out. Well here I am 12hrs
later with nothing but xp and SP2 on a completely reformatted system (yes
clear of all spyware etc etc) and still I am having problems Oh Joy!!!

linux is cool but I am favouring a complete move to Mac, not only is thier
OS sexy but the machines rock

Mike Brannigan [MSFT]

Headtheball said:
and the saga continues>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> formatted PC installed xp
home>>>>Installed xpsp2 from CD then installed my AV software etc etc.
Drivers etc etc blah blah. downloaded latest version of Sun Java runtime
and tried a java based chat site and then total lockup. Isn't it all shit?
Pay me for the time that I have spent on resolving MS issues. What a

give me an OS that works please!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been a staunch windows user since 3.1 but this is now getting out
of hand. It is costing me more in man hours to rectify my networks and
individual machines than I can earn (Thought? can I pass Microsofts
ineptitudes on as a cost to my customers?)


Your root issue appears to be that you are having problems with the Java
chat sites you use.
Since the Java implementation you are using is Sun's - it may be reasonable
to assume that there may be a problems with Sun's Java VM and SP2 (if these
sites all worked prior to your installing SP2).
Please post a URL to one of the sites you are having problems with so that I
can do a quick test.



Mike Brannigan [Microsoft]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Please note I cannot respond to e-mailed questions, please use these


Got it sorted Mike, It was me not being patient, the info bar took ages to
drop down and inform me that the site had pop ups and the whole site didn't
load until I accepted pop ups. It shows SP2 is doing its job but very slowly

Mike H

The speed at which SP2 'works' will be dependant on the ability of the local
system, the type of internet connection in use, general internet traffic,
the loading on whatever server one is attempting to connect with, the amount
of nodes being connected through..

It really is not fair to post with the kind of heading that you used.. yes,
it gets attention, but for those who are not too sure about installing SP2
or any update for fear of losing their system, you impatience has done them
no favours.. one can only hope that they come back to this post to see how
things progressed..


Point Taken Mike,
Apologies to all, this is not the real me talking just the frustrated beast
within me. I'll be in church Sunday asking to have this outragous demon
removed. I have posted back in the wireless networking group, here is what I

Sorry Lance I should have replied as I know that it could help others.
Firstly I went out and bought a Belkin 54g wireless card for an old laptop
of mine which has been completely reformatted and only has the OS on it, I
set up a defensless network, no wep etc etc and called it Dave, I let
windows configure the settings and presto the laptop picked up the network
and allowed me to access the web.
I then backed up and formatted My main PC, then without connection to the
internet I installed SP2 and configured it then enabled the firewall and
accessed the internet, Installed my AV (Panda Titanium 2004).
On my Packard Bell Lappy, I backed up and ran a destructive recovery,
restoring the whole system to factory settings and then installed SP2 then
all the other bits and bobs. I have one more machine to do today, My sons PC
which has 60gb of data probably on a heavily fragmented C Drive (mostly
music files). I will most probably buy another larger HD and partition it
and then reinstall the OS and install SP2.

Here is a little tip for anyone with a PB lappy E5142, If you cannot get the
network card to fire up ie it always has a red x through its icon on the
desktop it is trned off. The way to turn it on again is to depress the
function key and F1 and it will switch on,

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