Jim Rudnick
followed a link off an email to what I thought was an okay
and since, every 10 minutes or so, a VERY annoying popup
dialog appears with the word whaimager in the title bar
and below a number like 15 -- you click OK -- and the
number chagnes to 7 -- then 3 then the popup disappears...
what is this? and more importnatly how do I KILL same?
followed a link off an email to what I thought was an okay
and since, every 10 minutes or so, a VERY annoying popup
dialog appears with the word whaimager in the title bar
and below a number like 15 -- you click OK -- and the
number chagnes to 7 -- then 3 then the popup disappears...
what is this? and more importnatly how do I KILL same?