A 320GB Western Digital External Hard Drive suddenly gave an error message "One of the USB Devices attached to this PC has malfunctioned and Windows Does not recognise it."
By elimination I have established the Drive is OK but the interface between the 12v power supply and Drive is faulty. I have a WD returns number but it says all data will be destroyed so you must remove your data before sending. Like How ? I have opened the case and connected the drive to the computer directly on an IDE cable and done this but in doing so have broken the paper seal Warranty Invalid if Broken. Where do I stand for a repair now ? Postage to Germany is over £24 non refundable.
By elimination I have established the Drive is OK but the interface between the 12v power supply and Drive is faulty. I have a WD returns number but it says all data will be destroyed so you must remove your data before sending. Like How ? I have opened the case and connected the drive to the computer directly on an IDE cable and done this but in doing so have broken the paper seal Warranty Invalid if Broken. Where do I stand for a repair now ? Postage to Germany is over £24 non refundable.