Shawn Lovell
I have a Gateway Laptop with VISTA basic. My wireless router is Westell
versalink 327w. My WEP security key changes from what I enter. The code I
enter is 10 digits. The code that comes up when I view my security settings
on my network has been changed to an 8 digit security code. I have deleted
the network in the manage wireless networks screen. That worked 1 time. Its
like something will not allow me to enter my own security key. The unit has
been known to start working wirelessly after having been connected by a LAN
cable for awhile. Gateway is of no help and Best Buy sent it off and
returned it to me unrepaired after 3 weeks. It will connect fine to
unsecured networks but I would prefer not to run my network unsecured
versalink 327w. My WEP security key changes from what I enter. The code I
enter is 10 digits. The code that comes up when I view my security settings
on my network has been changed to an 8 digit security code. I have deleted
the network in the manage wireless networks screen. That worked 1 time. Its
like something will not allow me to enter my own security key. The unit has
been known to start working wirelessly after having been connected by a LAN
cable for awhile. Gateway is of no help and Best Buy sent it off and
returned it to me unrepaired after 3 weeks. It will connect fine to
unsecured networks but I would prefer not to run my network unsecured