I don't like nationalism, especially in an island this small.
Independence for Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, Pimlico?
To what purpose? To what advantage?
These movements, in my opinion, are founded by people with a chip on their shoulder about something, something I'm not even sure they know what is.
There seems to be this attitude that England is the big bogeyman, London in particular, and that English politicians don't listen to what is perceived as different needs for different regions. Nothing different there really, politicians don't listen to the needs of anybody, regardless where they're from.
What makes the taffs, the jocks, think their own politicians will look after their supposed different needs? All politicians are selfish, corrupt and only after feathering their own nest anyway.
The actions of the Lib Dems bowing down to Cameron and doing his bidding after all their manifesto promises is proof of this.
It's fine to be proud of your roots, wear your tartan, wave your leeks, wear a little badge that says 'Greenwich' it's good. But seperatism?
As itsme said, united we stand, divided we fall. In times of war we stand together, jocks, taffs, southern jessies united. Observe the film 'Zulu'. Politically poor example I know but it shows servicemen from all four corners of this tiny island as one.
Those who feel too strongly about the patch of land they were born on and their accent to my mind have something lacking. They are inadequate.
I've met, worked, played and talked to many people from different places and for the most part found people are friendly.
Only two exceptions was I found Manchester was as cold as London and some remote parts of Wales were distinctly unfriendly, I experienced that instant hush when walking into a pub and language changing from English to Welsh. Pathetic.
Anyway, the hell with division, we need to stand together.
I didn't mention Ireland as I disagree with the border and it's physically a seperate land from the UK, but that's another whole heap of hoo-ha
I'm perhaps treading on dangerous ground with politics but I feel the regulars here are adults and can converse without wanting to fire thermo-nuclear devices at each other