welcome message problem



Having a annoying problem. Hopefully somebody can help me
out. When I start my computer it goes to the welcome
screen asking me to log on. Underneath my name it states
I have 30 unread messages. The problem is I don't have 30
unread messages. I went into my email program and read
the messages but it keeps showing up that I have to read
them. Can anybody help?

Mr. B

JJ said:
Having a annoying problem. Hopefully somebody can help me
out. When I start my computer it goes to the welcome
screen asking me to log on. Underneath my name it states
I have 30 unread messages. The problem is I don't have 30
unread messages. I went into my email program and read
the messages but it keeps showing up that I have to read
them. Can anybody help?

On loan from:
Carey Frisch [MVP]
"Unread mail messages" on user page

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi JJ,

Please read this:

Overview of Mail Notification Display on WinXP Welcome Screen [Q304148]

It should help you.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Alex Nichol

JJ said:
Having a annoying problem. Hopefully somebody can help me
out. When I start my computer it goes to the welcome
screen asking me to log on. Underneath my name it states
I have 30 unread messages. The problem is I don't have 30
unread messages. I went into my email program and read
the messages but it keeps showing up that I have to read
them. Can anybody help?

Use TweakUI - one of the XP Powertoys from (if you have installed XP

If you have not installed SP1, the earlier version can be found at

Once installed you will find it in Start - All Programs - Powertoys for
Windows XP

Its Logon - Unread mail page has a box to enable/disable the facility.
And its Repair - Repair unread mail count allows you to reset it

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