Welcome CITech


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Welcome to the team CITech, thats the fastest we've seen a new member appear on the charts yet! :D
WayHey, cracking ... and right in with a good score too. :thumb:

Absolutly wonderful ... :D

now go and wire-up the rest of the island.

On the board already!?!? :eek: :D
Good going mate!! :thumb:
Kind Greetings

muckshifter said:
WayHey, cracking ... and right in with a good score too. :thumb:

Absolutly wonderful ... :D

now go and wire-up the rest of the island.

Cheers all, very nice to see that it worked. I wasn't sure if it was going according to plan, but obviously something worked!:D

As regards Mucks' comment above, I would love to spread the service wider, but I've run out of damp string to connect the network. I will be hooking up some more of the local servers into a farm either tonight or tomorrow morning so hopefully we will see a better return over the next day or two.

I might need a hand in configuring the local setup so if you've done it on your systems, get your thinking hats on.

Glad to be of service, and again, thank you all for your kind welcome.:o
Just spread the word, spread the word ... it does not matter if it is one PC or a string in a multi-conglomerate corporation ... every system crunching the numbers may, one day, find a simple answer.


... and get in to the top ten team results.