Sorry for the accidental first post...
I'm having an issue where SQL CE hangs when trying to do an insert
after an RDA pull. I believe this code duplicates my problem in a very
scaled down implementation. This problem happens on PPC 2003 SE
devices and emulator as well as WM 5.0 devices. We are using CF 2.0
with SQL Compact Edition 3.1. Unfortunately, we are not able to move
to SQL CE 3.5 at this point since it would require our customers to
move to SQL Server 2005 or greater. Any help with this problem is
using System;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RdaCrashTest2
static class Program
private const string SDF_FILEPATH = @"\Program Files
private const string SDF_CONN_STR = @"Data Source=" + SDF_FILEPATH;
private const string RDA_URL = "";
private const string RDA_USER = "username";
private const string RDA_PASS = "password";
private const string RDA_CONN_STR = "Provider=sqloledb;" +
"Data Source=SqlSrv2005;" +
"Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" +
"Integrated Security=SSPI";
static void Main()
// Make sure we blow away the previous database
if( File.Exists( SDF_FILEPATH ) )
File.Delete( SDF_FILEPATH );
// Create the database
SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine( SDF_CONN_STR );
// Pull a table
SqlCeRemoteDataAccess remoteDataAccess = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess(
string selectSQL = "SELECT PostalCode FROM
remoteDataAccess.Pull( "ZipTable", selectSQL, RDA_CONN_STR );
// Modify the data
string insertSql = "INSERT INTO ZipTable VALUES ('59101')";
SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection( SDF_CONN_STR );
SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand( insertSql, connection );
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); // <!-- Hangs or crashes application
MessageBox.Show( "Action Complete" );
It seems that I can pick any table/column to recreate this problem.
So, I think that eliminates any PK/FK issues. I have even tried to
pull down complete tables which I think eliminate any index problems.
In addition I have found that if I do any data modifying SQL statement
before the RDA pull the issue goes away. For my test I created a dummy
table right before the rda pull and then the problem spot went through
without issues.