I have a single table that contains customer information
with 5 queries that I'm trying to run. These queries are
of a range type where I'm filtering on a particular date
range. Four of the queries work fine. However, one query
refuses to return correct information. When i put in my
date ranges, the query returns only a portion of the
accounts and in addition reports other accounts that are
beyond the date range. The command that I'm using is
"between[Type Beginning Date:]And[Type Ending Date:]".
I've looked at the data field in an attempt to determine
the cause but without success. Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance
with 5 queries that I'm trying to run. These queries are
of a range type where I'm filtering on a particular date
range. Four of the queries work fine. However, one query
refuses to return correct information. When i put in my
date ranges, the query returns only a portion of the
accounts and in addition reports other accounts that are
beyond the date range. The command that I'm using is
"between[Type Beginning Date:]And[Type Ending Date:]".
I've looked at the data field in an attempt to determine
the cause but without success. Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance