greetings...I have a linksys cable router that has the TCP 3389 forwarded to
my pc.... My router address is 12.x.x.x.
I can use another computer on my lan (using iexplorer) to:
http://12.x.x.x.x:80/tsweb and it WILL connect to my remotedesktop pc.
However, when I leave my house and go to my office or a friend tries from
his home (cablemodem, no firewall--office has no firewall--ya funny) and you
do the http://12.x.x.x.x:80/tsweb it will ONLY ask you to install the Active
X deal, and when put type in the remote computer's name--it errors
out...says it can't find the computer. AND (I can't use the remote desktop
client itself thru the router--even when I totally turn off all port filters
of any kind and I still have the tcp 3389 forward to my computer.
So, after many hours of screwing around, I am giving up...hoping that one of
you guys out there can help!
Please help....
thanks, Kerry
my pc.... My router address is 12.x.x.x.
I can use another computer on my lan (using iexplorer) to:
http://12.x.x.x.x:80/tsweb and it WILL connect to my remotedesktop pc.
However, when I leave my house and go to my office or a friend tries from
his home (cablemodem, no firewall--office has no firewall--ya funny) and you
do the http://12.x.x.x.x:80/tsweb it will ONLY ask you to install the Active
X deal, and when put type in the remote computer's name--it errors
out...says it can't find the computer. AND (I can't use the remote desktop
client itself thru the router--even when I totally turn off all port filters
of any kind and I still have the tcp 3389 forward to my computer.
So, after many hours of screwing around, I am giving up...hoping that one of
you guys out there can help!
Please help....
thanks, Kerry