while I making my own class library using odbc.net I encounter strange
in this class
Public Sub New()
' some code doing openning connection
end sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
'somecode doing closing connection
End Sub
the idea in here is to save trouble from openning and closing connection .
in this class I have some function
Private Function executeSQL_Q(ByVal arg_SQL As String, Optional ByVal
arg_isStoredProc As Boolean = False) As OdbcDataReader
Dim m_oCmd As New OdbcCommand
m_oCmd.Connection = loc_DBconn
If arg_isStoredProc Then
m_oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
m_oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text ''default
End If
m_oCmd.CommandText = arg_SQL
Return m_oCmd.ExecuteReader
Catch eX As System.Exception
End Try
End Function
Public Function version() As String
Dim retval As String
Dim m_oReader As OdbcDataReader
m_oReader = executeSQL_Q("select VERSION();")
retval = m_oReader.Item("VERSION()")
Catch eX As Exception
End Try
Return retval
End Function
as you see this is only a very simple function. when calling this class
function once and exist program it work fine, the problem only occur
whenever I call this function more than once and exit the program that
reference this class will get unhandle error (I can't get the error even
though I use try and catch exception).
after a while I finaly found where this error occur. to solve this I must
manual close the connection rather than let the finalize procedure do it for
Is there a way to let it the close connection at finalize rather than I have
to manualy close without having this error ?
while I making my own class library using odbc.net I encounter strange
in this class
Public Sub New()
' some code doing openning connection
end sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
'somecode doing closing connection
End Sub
the idea in here is to save trouble from openning and closing connection .
in this class I have some function
Private Function executeSQL_Q(ByVal arg_SQL As String, Optional ByVal
arg_isStoredProc As Boolean = False) As OdbcDataReader
Dim m_oCmd As New OdbcCommand
m_oCmd.Connection = loc_DBconn
If arg_isStoredProc Then
m_oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
m_oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text ''default
End If
m_oCmd.CommandText = arg_SQL
Return m_oCmd.ExecuteReader
Catch eX As System.Exception
End Try
End Function
Public Function version() As String
Dim retval As String
Dim m_oReader As OdbcDataReader
m_oReader = executeSQL_Q("select VERSION();")
retval = m_oReader.Item("VERSION()")
Catch eX As Exception
End Try
Return retval
End Function
as you see this is only a very simple function. when calling this class
function once and exist program it work fine, the problem only occur
whenever I call this function more than once and exit the program that
reference this class will get unhandle error (I can't get the error even
though I use try and catch exception).
after a while I finaly found where this error occur. to solve this I must
manual close the connection rather than let the finalize procedure do it for
Is there a way to let it the close connection at finalize rather than I have
to manualy close without having this error ?