Jason Ash
Here's the problem. At 75hz refresh, 1280x1024 resolution, on the
right side of my monitor, you can see the picture seeming to "bounce."
It is more noticable against lighter colors. In the menu for Battlefield
1942, it is almost halfway across the screen, and is very noticable.
Initially, I thought it might be the monitor. I have since tried
connecting the monitor to a different PC, and had no problems. I have
not yet dragged a different monitor over to connect to my PC (I hooked
the existing to a laptop)
Presuming it works out that my card is beginning to have problems, what
would be a good low-cost substition for a 9700Pro? I do not want to
spend a lot of money at this time, as I am planning to wait until next
fall, at which time I am going to do a complete system replacement.
I did replace some time ago the stock cooler on the card with a VGA
Silencer (rev3), which does seem to be working OK (no weird artifacts
when playing games, so I'm presuming the card isn't overheating)
I have been running my monitor at 75hz at 1280x1024 for many months
now, with no problems. It seems by taking the refresh up to the max at
this resolution (85hz), that the problem (at least in Win) goes away.
I also just did some testing, at 60hz, there is no "bouncing", at 70
and 75hz, it is there (worse at 70 than 75), and at 85hz, if it is there,
I can't see it.
Any ideas? If I replace the vid card, I would like to stick with a
built-by-ATI, rather than another brand.
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right side of my monitor, you can see the picture seeming to "bounce."
It is more noticable against lighter colors. In the menu for Battlefield
1942, it is almost halfway across the screen, and is very noticable.
Initially, I thought it might be the monitor. I have since tried
connecting the monitor to a different PC, and had no problems. I have
not yet dragged a different monitor over to connect to my PC (I hooked
the existing to a laptop)
Presuming it works out that my card is beginning to have problems, what
would be a good low-cost substition for a 9700Pro? I do not want to
spend a lot of money at this time, as I am planning to wait until next
fall, at which time I am going to do a complete system replacement.
I did replace some time ago the stock cooler on the card with a VGA
Silencer (rev3), which does seem to be working OK (no weird artifacts
when playing games, so I'm presuming the card isn't overheating)
I have been running my monitor at 75hz at 1280x1024 for many months
now, with no problems. It seems by taking the refresh up to the max at
this resolution (85hz), that the problem (at least in Win) goes away.
I also just did some testing, at 60hz, there is no "bouncing", at 70
and 75hz, it is there (worse at 70 than 75), and at 85hz, if it is there,
I can't see it.
Any ideas? If I replace the vid card, I would like to stick with a
built-by-ATI, rather than another brand.
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m0ng0lh0rde @ ukonline . co . uk
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