Weird Login with Mac users?


Sam Lai


In my work AD environment, we have both PC and Mac users. Before my upgrade
from NT4 to AD, the Mac users where able to log into the domain via PC fine.
But since the upgrade, those Mac users are unable to log into the domain
with their domain username/password. BUT from their Mac's, they are able to
log into the network shares fine with their domain username/password.
Sooo confused! Any help would be great!


Sam Lai

A better explanation is this:
A Mac user would try log into say my machine using his domain username and
would get username/password incorrect(or something like that). But I know
for fact my machine is correct because when I log into my machine using my
account it would go straight through.
What I don't understand is that, in essence, his account should be fine,
because regardless if this user only uses a Mac but occasionally needs to
log into a PC.

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