Weird Happenings with queries




I havae a database that I created and worked fine! (Access 2000, Windows

I have received a new machine at work (Access 2000, Windows XP) and now some
of the queries do not work, when i click the button on my forms page to run
the appropriate query, a message as follows, pop up; "UNDEFINED "[FUNCTION$]"

When I open the query in design view, it does not open normally but open, in
what looks like a notepad window, with the query written out in one long
sentence, for example,

SELECT [QNoTrainingGroupOnEmpNo].EmpNo, [QEmployeeDeatails].[Name],
FROM QNoTrainingGroupOnEmpNo LEFT JOIN QEmployeeDeatails ON

Can anyone tell me why I cannot open the query in design view as normal and
how to fix it. This database was created by me for work and if I can't get it
to work, I am going to look like a right TWIT!

PS This only has happened when I got my new machine.

Tom Wickerath

Hello PJD,

This sounds like it might be a sandbox issue,

However, I do not see that you are calling any VBA functions in the query you provided below. Is
this particular query failing? You are using a reserved word in Access as a field name (Name);
this field should be renamed.

List of reserved words in Access 2000

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING on the new machine that fails? Here are
two excellent articles on this topic:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne) and

Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

Finally, have you turned off NameAutocorrect?

The Notepad window that you describe sounds like the normal SQL view for a query. When you see
this window, do you see a menu command that reads "View"? If you see this menu command, click on
it. You should see "Design View" as one of the choices. This will put you back into a more
familiar QBE (Query By Example) view.



I havae a database that I created and worked fine! (Access 2000, Windows

I have received a new machine at work (Access 2000, Windows XP) and now some
of the queries do not work, when i click the button on my forms page to run
the appropriate query, a message as follows, pop up; "UNDEFINED "[FUNCTION$]"

When I open the query in design view, it does not open normally but open, in
what looks like a notepad window, with the query written out in one long
sentence, for example,

SELECT [QNoTrainingGroupOnEmpNo].EmpNo, [QEmployeeDeatails].[Name],
FROM QNoTrainingGroupOnEmpNo LEFT JOIN QEmployeeDeatails ON

Can anyone tell me why I cannot open the query in design view as normal and
how to fix it. This database was created by me for work and if I can't get it
to work, I am going to look like a right TWIT!

PS This only has happened when I got my new machine.

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