Weird CD-ROM & DVD-ROM drives issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter varois83
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My PC is a Dell dimension 8200.
Pentium 4 at 1.8 ghz.
Windows XP home ed
HD has 127 GB available. 768 MB RAM.
Both my DVD-ROM & CD-ROM drives will not play commercial CD's or CD-
ROM's anymore.
They play previously recorded CD-R's fine and record on them if
something is already recorded.
If I try a new blank CD-R it won't record.
DVD's play fine in the DVD-ROM drive.

What I already did:

-I went into "My computer" to double click both these drives manually
and get messages telling me "To insert disc in device" while the discs
are in there.
-I went into "File-->properties-->autoplay" of both these devices
to make sure they were set on "autoplay".
-I disabled in control panel-->system-->hardware-->device manager my
ROM drive and restarted windows, re enabled the CD-ROM drive to no
-I try the following hack recommended to me to no avail
"reg DELETEHKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies
\Explorer /dNoDriveTypeAutoRun /f "
-I also tried this fix recommended to me to no avail.;en-us;314060

Do you guys think dust might be an issue? Shall I disconnect my PC,
get a can of air, and clean it up?

Can anybody help?

Thanks a lot


Either the laser is failing or the lenses need cleaning. If the CDs work in
other computers but not yours, it is very likely a laser or wear and tear
problem and not a software problem.

Try those CD Cleaner kits if you have one. If they are quite old, they may
need to be replaced.

The price of a CD/DVD Cleaner kit is about 15% of anew DVD drive so you may
want to instead replace the drive with a new one rather than buying a
cleaner kit.

Previous thread here:

Singapore Computer Home Repair Service
Video Conversion VHS Video8 Hi8 Digital8 MiniDv MicroMv

Thanks for the help but I am not getting anywhere fast unfortunately.
I have a cleaner DVD but how can I use it when the drive does not
detect it?

Thanks anyway

Patrick ;-(

Thanks for the help but I am not getting anywhere fast unfortunately.
I have a cleaner DVD but how can I use it when the drive does not
detect it?

Thanks anyway

Patrick ;-(

You're right, so the only option is to change the drive since you can't even
load a cleaner disc in.

With the information you've given us so far, the suspect is most likely a
failing drive. To be absolutely certain that your drive is the problem, you
will need to hook the drive to another desktop and see if it works there.

Another [easier] method is to see whether you are able to boot from a
bootable CD such as XP's installation disc or you can download a Ubuntu boot
disk from the net, burn it on another computer and see whether your desktop
can boot from it.

Singapore Computer Home Repair Service
Video Conversion VHS Video8 Hi8 Digital8 MiniDv MicroMv