It's slightly more complicated than just that. The formula based on TODAY
means that your dates will all change on 1/1/09. Is that what the OP wants?
If not, replace the Year(Today()) part of the formula with 2008, and next
year change it to 2009, etc.
Besides that, it is not entirely clear whether weeks start on Sunday or
Monday. Also, see this note from the help file:
Important The WEEKNUM function considers the week containing January 1 to
be the first week of the year. However, there is a European standard that
defines the first week as the one with the majority of days (four or more)
falling in the new year. This means that for years in which there are three
days or less in the first week of January, the WEEKNUM function returns week
numbers that are incorrect according to the European standard.
Bob Phillips said:
where C1 is the week of the year