Weekly Calendar Report

  • Thread starter Thread starter epete367
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I would like to create a Weekly Calendar (7 days) to use to keep track
of when to send items out. I have set up a query: ShipCal Qry with the
following fields:
WeekOf: DateAdd("d",-Weekday([ShipDate]),[ShipDate])+1
I need the calendar to show the day of week and under that the OrderID
and ShipVia info. I looked at Duane's calendars which is where I found
the WeekOf idea. I am just not sure how to implement into what I need
as I don't need it broken down by hours, etc...
Any help would be appreciated greatly. I have been trying to do this
for the past few days.
The standard calendar report should work for you. You would need to add 2
days to the calendar since I believe the sample had only 5 days.

There is a similar calendar report in the Corp Tech Demos
http://www.invisibleinc.com/divFiles.cfm?divDivID=4 that has 7 days across.

You would need to modify the single subreport as well as the record source
of the main report.
Thank you so much! I am going to try sitting down with this tomorrow.
The Corp Tech Demo Calendar report look very similar to what I want. Is
there a way to view the underlying tables, queries and subreports so I
can try to match fields and setup? I took a quick glance at the report
in design view. I can't believe you made what has given me so much
trouble look so beautiful and easy!