That formula is adding 7 days onto the source date. I
need it to adjust to the proper in if 5 days
from the date is on Sat or Sun it will adjust to Mon.
Any ideas?
What you seem to be asking for is what the add-in function WORKDAY does.
_|______A____________B_____..col B formulas
1| 3-May-2004 10-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A1,5)
2| 4-May-2004 11-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A2,5)
3| 5-May-2004 12-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A3,5)
4| 6-May-2004 13-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A4,5)
5| 7-May-2004 14-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A5,5)
6| 8-May-2004 14-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A6,5)
7| 9-May-2004 14-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A7,5)
8| 10-May-2004 17-May-2004 =WORKDAY(A8,5)
5 days from 3-May-2004 (Monday) is 8-May-2004 (Saturday), but WORKDAY adjusts
this to 10-May-2004 (Monday). Do you mean that 6-May-2004 (Thursday) should
correspond to 11-May-2004 (Tuesday) rather than 13-May-2004 (Thursday)? If so,
_|______A____________B_____..col B formulas
1| 3-May-2004 10-May-2004 =A1+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A1,3)-4))
2| 4-May-2004 10-May-2004 =A2+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A2,3)-4))
3| 5-May-2004 10-May-2004 =A3+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A3,3)-4))
4| 6-May-2004 11-May-2004 =A4+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A4,3)-4))
5| 7-May-2004 12-May-2004 =A5+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A5,3)-4))
6| 8-May-2004 13-May-2004 =A6+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A6,3)-4))
7| 9-May-2004 14-May-2004 =A7+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A7,3)-4))
8| 10-May-2004 17-May-2004 =A8+MAX(5,3-(WEEKDAY(A8,3)-4))
If this also isn't what you want, then pick any 8-day period, show the initial
dates and the corresponding '5 workdays later' dates.