WebUIValidation in vbscript

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Why is there not a version of this file in vbscript. I need to be able to do
cmdDone.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Save()")
where Save() is a vbscript function and it is not possible since the client
script generated script for validation in in javascript. If I set cause for
validation = false and right my on validation rutine, I need this
WebUIValidation in vbscript.

Why would microsoft force you to use javascript?

cmdDone.Attributes.Add("onclick", "vbscript:Save()") I have tried this too
and doesnt work
because javascript is
a. cleaner
b. supported by most browsers (even though validation by default is not done
at clientside on non IE browsers)

though i dont see why you can't use vbscript function call
would you mind posting a proper snippet of what you are trying to do and

btw if you program for web browsers learn javascript.


Hermit Dave