Websites that used to work don't anymore:



Several websites that I use often all of a sudden do not open at all.
A week ago they worked fine. I thought the company I work for blocked them,
but I logged on to a different computer yesterday and the websites came up
I'm at a loss. We don't have the CD's here to reinstall or repair Windows.
And the IT guys will have a fit if I do a System Restore.
I also tried Firefox and had the same problems.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


I have the exact same problem. As of today, there is one non-secure and one
secure web site that I can no longer access. I canaccess other secure and
non-secure sites on my computer, and have verifed access to the two
inaccessible sites from other computers.

I have checked all my internet security settings, set them to default,
turned off the pop up blockers, and verified nothing strange with my McAffee
settings. I am using AOL as my ISP. The only thing that I know was done to my
computer immediately prior to tihese events is an automatic MS download on
May 20 that I think was for general administrative type issues.


I don't use AOL, but I did all the same things you did to try to remedy this
problem. I hope there is a fix. It really is a major pain in the ass.
Glad it's not only me.


I don't think it's an AOL issue. Had you recently done a download from the
Microsoft site?


The last time anything from Microsoft was downloaded on this computer was an
automatic update a week or so ago.


Thanks God!....I have the same problem. I can no longer log on to my
credit card website. And yes, I downloaded an update from MS a couple
weeks ago. Please, any help will be appreciated.


OMFG im having the same problems! i really hope theres a fix,im having some
stuff i really desperate to download.Any help will be appreciated indeed,but
i havent downloaded any recent updates.

Sandi - Microsoft MVP


Review the advice at the URL below as appropriate. I can't give you precise
advice because 'do not open at all' is not specific enough vis a vis precise
error messages:


Sandi's Site has changed - for instructions on how to
find old URLs, go here:

Hyperlinks used to ensure advice is current
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999

Visit the Internet Explorer Community


i have found the problem,or solution i should say,
go to internet options/advance/ and then under http 1.1, if its ticked,take
it off, then apply,thats what worked for me,if not then i don't know


Thanks. What happens to me is I get a notice "this page cannot be found", and
it asks that I check my internet options. I have checked those with no luck
and tried your suggestion with no luck.


I have been having problems with ONE website since installing critical
updates last week. Removing the update (Windows Installer 3.1) did not help.
I can get to the page just fine but when I click on any link, the CPU usage
goes to 100% and I have to close the browser. Firefox works fine on the same
site. I've tried a LOT of things and gave DeE's solution a try. It worked!!
At least on the first test.

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